perm filename MOP.3[CLS,LSP] blob sn#850333 filedate 1987-12-13 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
% -*- Mode: TeX -*-
\input macros
\def\bookline{\CLOS\  Specification}
\def\chapline{Metaobject Protocol}

\beginChapter 3.{Common Lisp Object System Specification}%
{Metaobject Protocol}{Metaobject Protocol}

This document was written by Daniel G. Bobrow, Linda G. DeMichiel,\break
Richard P. Gabriel, Sonya E. Keene, Gregor Kiczales, and David A. Moon.

Contributors to this document include Patrick Dussud, Kenneth Kahn,\break
Jim Kempf, Larry Masinter, Mark Stefik,
Daniel L. Weinreb, and Jon L White.


\beginSection{Status of Document}

WARNING:  This document is uneven in its coverage.  Some sections
are only sketched out, and others go into significantly more detail.
All suggestions for improvements in writing and/or content gratefully

\endSection%{Status of Document}


For almost all the generic functions described below, there is only one
method defined in CLOS for each generic function.  The specializers for
these methods are usually one or more of standard-class,
standard-method, standard-generic-function, and standard-object.  In the
case where there is only one method specified by the CLOS kernel, we use
the term "standard method" to refer to this method.  In the section
listing all the generic functions, we actually provide the full
signature for the methods.



This document describes the \CLOS\ kernel (CLOS kernel).  The \CLOS\
kernel comprises those classes, methods and generic functions which
implement the \CLOS\ system described in chapters 1 and 2.   The
function of the CLOS kernel is to make accessible the ``real'' CLOS
interpeter as an object oriented program written in CLOS. By ``real'' we
mean two things. First, the interpereter we describe is the one that is
running; that is, changes made to the generic functions described will
effect the operations of the system. Secondly, a ``real'' interpreter
includes not only the direct operations of the language, but
provides access to mechanisms to control and support compile and run
time optimizations usually hidden from users.  We return to this below. 

The CLOS kernel provides three levels of accessibility for users.
First, it defines a programmatic interface that supports alternative
interfaces for the construction of programs.
Programmers need not construct and evaluate forms using the interface
macros {\it defmethod}, {\it defgeneric} and {\it defclass}.  Instead
they can invoke directly the generic functions that implement some or
all of the behavior associated with these forms.

Secondl, the CLOS kernel provides users a detailed model of the
implementation.  The kernel classes define the data structures used, and
the generic functions and methods define the behaviors of the kernel.
In this way it is like the metacircular interpreter for Lisp or Scheme.
By understanding those interpreters, users can predict the behavior of
the system.  But the CLOS kernel is not just a model of the
implementation.  The generic functions specified are the ones that
actually implement the system.  The data stuctures are instances of
classes in the CLOS kernel, and the operations of the system depend on
the types and contents of these instances.  Because these generic
functions, classes and instances comprise the metacircular interpreter,
we refer to them collectively as the metaobjects of CLOS.  The {\it
metaobject protocol} refers to the operations (generic function with
methods) defined on these metaobjects.

Finally, the CLOS kernel allows for detailed control and extensions to
the object system.  In Lisp, this type of control is usually achieved by
building an interpreter that tests many conditions explicitly, and
providing the users with ways of manipulating the conditions.  In this
distributed, object oriented interpreter, the standard behavior is
supported through methods specialized to the standard objects in the
system.  Specialization of the behavior of the interpreter is achieved
by defining classes that are subclasses of those provided by \CLOS\ ,
and specializing some of the generic functions described.   By defining
methods on the generic function specialized on these new subclasses,
programmers can build extensions or alternatives to the basic CLOS
framework.  This requires programming only the few methods that
implement the difference in behavior -- a standard way of extending an
object-oriented program.  The remaining functionality is shared.  The
defined classes and generic functions thus provided a distributed
extensible metacircular interpreter for the Common Lisp Object System.

This chapter is organized as follows. The section {\it Standard Classes
in CLOS} provides a detailed description of the classes that are
provided with the CLOS system.  Many of these classes were mentioned in
chapters 1 and 2, but here we give a full specification of their
structure, and related accessors.

After describing the classes, we provide a functionally organized view
of the kernel.  We call each piece of this kernel a {\it Protocol}, a
set of closely related generic functions that implement a particular
feature of the \CLOS\.  We group these descriptions of generic functions,
providing details in each section of the operation of
each generic function. In describing each generic function, we distinguish
two different contracts.  The first is the one that a caller of
the generic function is concerned with.  This includes
specification of the arguments for the function, the value returned,
and expected side effects.  A second part of the description focusses
on particular methods, usually the standard method.
For these methods, we specify other generic functions that are
called and more explicit side effects.  Finally, there are some
invariants to be maintained to ensure proper operation of the kernel. 
This may require that some generic functions be called whenever certain
conditions hold.

The section {\it Named Class Definition Protocol} specifies the generic
function for the expansion of the {\it defclass} user interface macro,
and the generic functions that support the behavior of named
standard-classes.  The closely related  {\it Slot Parsing Protocol}
creates and initializes slot description objects.  The underlying
anonymous classes are manipulated through the {\it Class Update
Protocol} and the {\it Slot Inheritance Protocol}.  

Allocation and access to instance structure is supported at three
levels in the \CLOS\ kernel.  The {\it Slot Level} connects the user
functions {\it slot-value}, {\it slot-boundp} and {\it
slot-makunbound}, and {\it allocate-instance} with the metaobjects of
the CLOS kernel.  At the other extreme, the {\it Index Level} provides a
mechanism for the manipulation of indexed blocks of storage. 
Conecting these two is the {\it Symbolic Level} that maps slot names
into indices.  It also provides the appropriate level to provide a hook
for optimized storage access. 

Generic functions and methods are supported by three protocols.  First
is the {\it Named Method and Generic Function Protocol}, which supports
the expansion of the user interface macros {\it defmethod} and {\it
defgeneric}.  Secondly, there is the {\it Generic Function Update
Protocol}, part of which has been described earlier (add-method,
remove-method and get-method).  The other part of this protocol
supports maintenance of the method database, and the link from classes
to generic functions specialized on them.  The {\it Method Lookup
Protocol} supports generation of the code for generic functions, and
the computation of effective methods for appropriate combinations of


\beginSection{Class Organization in the CLOS Kernel}


The earlier version of this section has been removed since it was too
concerned with design rationale and not concerned enough with the user
ramifications of the design decision.

This section should layout the class organization we decide on and then
describe how it is supposed to be used.  It will need to talk about the
how users are expected to define subclasses of standard-class which
specialize or override behavior.

For now, the class organization described below is the one (in PCL)
where all the classes are subclasses of standard-class and
standard-class is a subclass of object.  Once we get that locked in, we
will have to write this section.


\endSection%{Class Organization in the CLOS Kernel}

\beginSection{The Classes in the CLOS Kernel}

In defining the classes that make up the kernel of CLOS, we find it
useful to distinguish three categories of information associated with a
class.  The distinction between structural, intrinsic and interface is
based on the how the information is stored, and consequently how it is
retrieved and modified. 

Structural Access.

Structural information is explicitly stored in a slot of an instance,
it is accessed using the slot-value function.  The kernel itself uses
slot-value and (setf slot-value) to read and write the information.
This means that changes to the the value in a slot will affect the
behavior of the kernel.  Even so, the kernel often expects certain
updating protocols to be followed when the value of a slot is changed.
In these cases, the updating protocol insures that parts of the kernel
which depend on the value of the slot will behave properly after the
change.  An example of this is the class-direct-superclasses slot of
classes. In order for the kernel methods to behave properly the value
of this slot must be changed with update-class generic function rather
than (setf slot-value).

Intrinsic Access:

Information in this category is accessed by calling a generic function.
The kernel itself also calls this generic function to access the
information.  This means that a user who has defined her own class as a
subclass of a kernel class can specialize these generic functions to
affect the behavior of kernel code which is inherited in her own class.
Instrinsic accessors fall into one of two categories:

  Reading and writing done with a generic function and setf of the
  generic function respectively.  Examples of this kind are:

   (setf class-name)

  Reading and writing done with different generic functions.  Examples
  of this kind are: 


Interface Access 

There are certain kinds of information which are maintained by the CLOS
kernel but which cannot be modified directly.  They include various
kinds of derivative information such as back-pointers.  Examples


The kernel itself does not call these generic functions.  Other
programs, including parts of a given implementation's programming
environment may call these generic functions. A user who has defined her
own class as a subclass of a kernel class may specialize these generic
functions to affect all callers of the generic function.

The following table shows the slots, instrinsic accessors and interface
accessors of the kernel classes.  Note that implementations are free to
add other slots, instrinsic or interface accessors to any of the classes
but these must not conflict with the kernel specification as described

{\it Each of the slots, intrinsic accessors, and interface accessors
needs more documentation.  For now, infer the `obvious' behavior. }


Supers: (object)


Intrinsic Accessors:
    (setf class-name)
    (setf class-prototype)

The class prototype is an unitialized instance of the class.  It is
used when an instance of a class needs to be passed to make method
lookup work right.  A legal definition of class-prototype would be:


(defun class-prototype (class)
  (allocate-instance class))


Interface Accessors:

Initialization Protocol (initargs): 
Accepts the same keyword arguments as update-class does.  The :after
initialize-instance method for standard-class simply calls update-class
with its arguments.  Specifically, :direct-superclasses, :direct-slots and


(defmethod initialize-instance :after
           ((class standard-class) &rest keys &allow-others-keys)
  (apply #'update-class class keys))




Supers: (standard-class)



Supers: (standard-class)



Supers: (standard-class)



Supers: (standard-class)



Supers: (object)


Intrinsic Accessors:

Interface Accessors:

Initialization Protocol (initargs):

The first three of these are slot filling initargs.  The last three are
processed by the :after initialize-instance method.  They can be specified
more than once, all the values will be collected to fill the appropriate
slot.  See the Slot Parsing Protocol Section.



Supers: (standard-slot-description)


Intrinsic Accessors:

Interface Accessors:

Initialization Protocol:
    The :after initialize-instance-method calls the initfunction to set
the value of the value slot.  The value slot is where the value of the
slot for the entire class is stored.



Supers: (object)


Intrinsic Accessors:

Interface Accessors:

Initialization Protocol (initargs):



Supers: (standard-method)


Initialization Protocol (initargs):



Supers: (standard-accessor-method)



Supers: (standard-accessor-method)



Metaclass: funcallable-standard-class

Supers: (function object)

Intrinsic Accessors:

Initialization Protocol (initargs):

The :after initialize-instance method calls update-generic-function to
store these values.  See the Updating a Generic Function Protocol.


\endSection%{The Classes in the CLOS Kernel}

The following is a DAG for the classes in CLOS, as described above.
Implementations are free to interpolate additional classes, provided
that the order of inheritance of the classes specified is the same.

{\it This really should be a picture.}


        standard-generic-function (also has function as superclass)

The following is the DAG of classes that correspond to the Common
Lisp data types.  The classes that have multiple supers are indicated
with a *; the most specific super is the one that comes first (highest)
in the figure below.

{\it This really should be a picture too.}



\beginSection{The Named Class Definition Protocol}

{\it Here there should be a little summary which describes the basic
function of the named class definition protocol.  It should cover all
the relevant generic functions: }



In order to allow metaclasses to effect the processing of defclass forms
form, the expansion of defclass forms is controlled by a the
expand-defclass generic function.  The expand-defclass generic function
is called by the defclass macro to compute the expansion of the macro.
The syntactic processing and checking done by the defclass macro is
minimal.  It only parses the arguments to defclass into name,
superclasses, slot specifications and options.  
Furthermore, it scans the options to see if the :metaclass option was
specified.  All other syntactic checking of the arguments to defclass is
done later. If the :metaclass option was not specified it defaults to
standard-class.  The metaclass option is used to compute the first
argument to expand-defclass.  The first argument to expand-defclass is
the prototype instance of the metaclass.  The remaining arguments are as
described above.  The defclass macro behaves as if it was defined by:


(defmacro defclass (name superclasses slots &rest options &environment env)
  (let ((metaclass (or (dolist (option options)
                         (when (and (listp option)
                                    (eq (car option) ':metaclass))
                           (return (cadr option))))
    (expand-defclass (class-prototype (symbol-class metclass))


\Defgen {expand-defclass} {prototype-instance name superclasses slots options environment}

The purpose of the expand-defclass generic function is to compute the
expansion of the defclass form.  The expand-defclass generic function is
supplied with the information about the metaclass option specified in
the defclass form, and receives the remaining arguments to the defclass
form.  expand-defclass also receives the environment the defclass form
appeared in as an argument.

Typically, expand-defclass returns a form which includes a call to
add-named-class, but this is not required.

\Defmeth {expand-defclass} {(prototype-instance standard-class) name direct-superclasses direct-slots options environment}

The standard method for expand-defclass expands the defclass form into a
form which includes a call to the generic function add-named-class.
This method also normalizes the slot specifications which appeared in
the defclass form.

Normalization of the slot specifications converts the three kinds of
slot specifications which can appear in defclass to a single 'pure plist'
form.  This is done as follows:

  If the slot-specification is a symbol:
  the normalized slot specification is:
       (:name <slot-name>)

  If the slot-specification is a list like:
       (<slot-name> . <slot-options-and-values>)
  the normalized-slot-specification looks like:
       (:name <slot-name> . <slot-options-and-values>)

During normalization, the standard method on expand-defclass adds the
:initform-function slot option to the slot options that were specified
in the defclass form.  The :initform-function slot option is used to
pass in the function of no arguments which can be called to evaluate the
:initform in the proper lexical environment.

The expanded form may include other implementation-dependent code, but
it will always include a call to add-named-class.  The form which calls
add-named-class will behave as if it was:

{\it Note that the issue of compile time environments is being finessed
a bit here and throughout the document.  We had decided that the
environment argument would contain all the magic and that would be all
we had to specify, but its not clear that will really be enough.}

      (eval-when (compile load eval)
                  (class-of prototype-instance))))
          ',(mapcar #'normalize-slot-specification direct-slots)


\beginsubsubsection{Example of specializing expand-defclass}

Suppose one wanted to have a metaclass which treated classes defined
with defclass differently than classes defined with add-named-class.
This metaclass might want to supplement the class options with a special
marker which said that the call to add-named-class was the result of a
defclass expansion.  The following code would have that effect:

(defmethod expand-defclass ((prototype-class my-class)
                            name superclasses slots options environment)
  (call-next-method prototype-class
                    (cons '(defclass t) options)


\endsubsubsection%{Example of specializing expand-defclass:}



\Defgen {add-named-class} {prototype-instance name direct-superclasses direct-slots options environment}

{\it I think this would be more useful if it was converted to take
keyword arguments like update-class does. }

This generic function is the programmatic interface for defining named
classes.  The prototype-instance argument should be the class-prototype
of the class of the class being defined.  The direct-superclasses
argument can be a list of either symbols (class names) or class objects.
The slots argument should be a list of slot specifications as they would
appear in a defclass form.  The options should be a list of the class
options as they would appear in a defclass form.  The environment is the
environment in which the definition should take place, this is used to
distinguish between compiler and non compiler environments.  If there is
no class with the given name, a new class is created.  If there is
already a class with the given name the results depends on the

\Defmeth {add-named-class} {(prototype-instance standard-class) name direct-superclasses direct-slots options environment}

The standard method on add-named-class implements the behavior described
for defclass in chapter 1.

The first step performed by this method is to determine the class object
which will be used for the new definition.  If there is no existing
class with the given name, this method creates a class of the specified
class.  If there is already a class with the given name, this method
calls class-for-redefinition to get the class object to use.

Once the class object has been determined, the slot-specifications are
parsed to turn them into slot description objects.  For details on how
this is done see the slot parsing protocol.

Then update-class is called to store the specified superclasses,
slot-descriptions and options in the class.  For details on the
operation of update-class see the class updating protocol.

Once the class has been updated to reflect the specified superclasses
slots and options, it is stored in the symbol-class association table,
and has its own class-name attribute updated.




\Defgen {class-for-redefinition} {prototype-instance old-class}

class-for-redefinition is called by the standard method on
add-named-class when there is already a class with the given name.  The
class-for-redefinition generic function is expected to return the class
object which should be used for the new definition.  For standard-class,
the class object used is the old class object since standard class
supports the notion of updating old instances to reflect new definitions
of the class.  Other metaclasses might not support this notion, they
might want new class definitions to use a new class object or even
signal an error if an attempt is made to redefine a class.

\Defmeth {class-for-redefinition} {(prototype-instance standard-class)
                                   (old-class standard-class)}

This method on standard class first calls make-instances-obsolete on the
old-class argument and then returns the old-class argument.

\Defmeth {class-for-redefinition} {(prototype-instance t)
                                   (old-class structure-class)}

{\it what to say about this? }

\Defmeth {class-for-redefinition} {(prototype-instance t)
                                   (old-class built-in-class)}

{\it what to say about this? }

\beginsubsubsection {Example Specialization of class-for-redefinition}

Sometimes, a user wants to declare that certain classes, when they are
defined, should have a particular metaclass.  This can be the case
when someone takes a program which is already written and wants to
compile and load it using an optimizing metaclass. The user explicitly
does not want to have to edit the original defclass forms to specify the
metaclass option; the user would like to use a simple macro to make this
declaration.  Something like:


(defclass-optimized A)


Given that the optimizing metaclass already exists and is called
optimized-class, this can be done using class-for-redefinition.  The
following code will work.


(defclass forward-referenced-optimized-class (forward-referenced-class)

(defmethod class-for-redefinition
           ((existing-class forward-referenced-optimized-class)
            (proposed-new-class standard-class)
  (change-class existing-class
                (class-prototype (class-named 'optimized-class)))

(defmacro defclass-optimized (class-name)
     (class-prototype (class-named 'forward-referenced-optimized-class))


\endsubsubsection%{Example Specialization of class-for-redefinition}


\endSection%{The Named Class Definition Protocol}

\beginSection{The Slot Parsing Protocol}

Standard classes store two distinct lists of slots.  The first is the
list of slots defined in the class proper.  The second is the total list
of slots the class has, this includes inherited and locally defined
slots.  Both of these are stored as lists of slot description objects.

As part of defining a class, the normalized slot specifications passed
to add-named-class must be converted to a list of slot description
objects.  This conversion process is done using the slot parsing

The slot parsing protocol is quite simple.  It only contains only two
steps: a call to the generic function slot-description-class and a call
to make-instance.

Normalized slot-specifications are always parsed with respect to the
class they specify a slot for.  This allows the class the slot
description is being produced for to control the class of the slot
description object itself.  This slot-description-class generic function
is called with the class and the normalized slot specification to
determine the class of slot description which should be produced for the

Once the appropriate class for the slot description has been determined,
the actual parsing is achieved by applying make-instance to the class and
the normalized slot specification.

This means that the legal set of slot option names for a given class of
slot-description is the same as the legal set of initarg names for that
class.  See lambda-list-congruence rules.


The slot-description-class generic function..

SLOT-DESCRIPTION-CLASS ((class standard-class)


\beginSubSection{make-instance of slot-descriptions}

The standard method ...

MAKE-INSTANCE ((class standard-slot-description))

This fills in the slots of the class standard-slot-description with
the appropriate values in the initargs

MAKE-INSTANCE ((class standard-class-slot-description))

{\it This fills in the slots and also fills in the class-value slot.}

\endSection{The Slot Parsing Protocol}

\beginSection{The Class Update Protocol}

This protocol supports the invariants that must be maintained between
local information in a class, such as direct-slots and
direct-superclassess and the derived information of the class from its
position on the class lattice.  It consists of four parts: entry,
propagation, local updating and finalization.

The entry part of the class update protocol is implemented by the
generic functions update-class, default-class-supers,
legal-class-option-p, and compatible-super-metaclass-p.  A call to
update-class is the only guaranteed consistent way to update the slots
of superclasses of a standard class.   The keyword arguments of
update-class allow specification of new direct superclasses, new direct
slots and new options.   The generic function default-class-supers is
used to compute the minimum default superclasses for a standard class.
Some error checking is done using the legal-class-option-p and

The change propagation part of this protocol is implemented by the
generic functions propagate-class-update.  This generic function walks
as a depth first tree the changed class and all its direct subclasses
recursively, notifying each class it reaches that a change has occurred.

The local updating of classes in the lattice at the time of a change is
the contract of update-class-locally.  The minimum contract of this
generic function is that it will store information in the class that
has been explicitly changed, and will mark as needing updating classes
that have had some change made in the lattice at or above them.      

The inheritance finalization part of the class update protocol is
implemented by the generic function finalize-inheritance.  It allows
implementations to update any precomputed caches used for instance
allocation and access.  It must be called sometime after update-class
has returned.  It must be called before an instance is made of any
updated class, or before an obsolete instance is updated to the newly
defined structure.  

\beginSubSection{Update Entry}


The generic function update-class is used to update existing classes. 
It also is used to initialize a class that has just been created. It
deals with the classes as anonymous objects.  update-class is the only
interface to change the direct-slots, direct-superclasses, or
class-options of a class.  It is undefined what happens if these slots
of a class are changed in any other way.

The standard method of add-named-class calls update-class.  An :after
method of initialize-instance on standard-class calls update-class.
Specialized methods of add-method and remove-method call update-class
when a new method is added on the generic function initialize-instance.

The value returned by the generic function is the updated class.

The following defines the argument list of the generic function:

update-class (class
              &rest key-arguments
              &key (direct-superclasses () new-supers-p)
                   (direct-slots () new-slots-p)
                   (options () new-options-p)
                   (init-method-keys () new-init-method-keys-p)


\Defmeth {update-class} {(class standard-class)
                         \&rest key-arguments
                         \&key (direct-superclasses () new-supers-p)
                               (direct-slots () new-slots-p)
                               (options () new-options-p)
                               (init-method-keys () new-init-method-keys-p)}

In this method on standard-class, {\it class} is the class to be
updated; {\it direct-superclasses} is a list of class objects (no
symbols); {\it direct-slots} is a list of slot-description objects; {\it
options} is a list of class options;  {\it init-method-keys} is list of
the keyword arguments accepted by all the initialize-instance methods on
this class.

If direct-superclasses is given, the value actually used to update the
class is the value of: (default-class-supers class supplied-supers).
This call to default-class-supers implements the feature that
standard-classes have the class named object as their default
superclass if () is provided as the superclasses list (say by the
defclass form).  

For each direct superclass, the generic function
check-super-metaclass-compatibility is called to check if the given
superclass has a metaclass compatible with the class being defined. It
is expected that check-super-metaclass-compatibility will signal an
error if there is any problem. 

For each of the options provided, the generic function
legal-class-option-p is called to check the legality of each option
given.  If legal-class-option-p returns NIL, then this method on
update-class signals an error. 

Since direct-slots are slot objects, no further error checking is
required for them.

After legality checking, if direct-supers have been provided, the
pointers from old and new direct-superclasses to the updated class are
changed using the generic functions add-direct-subclass and
remove-direct-subclass.   The newly provided direct superclasses are
stored in the slot {\it direct-superclasses}. 

If new-slots have been provided, this method on update-class maps
through the old and newly provided slot-description objects to
determine reader and writer methods, removing no longer required reader
and writer methods, and adds newly required methods using the generic
functions.  It does this by calling the generic functions
remove-reader-method, remove-writer-method, add-reader-method,
add-writer-method.  It then stores the new direct-slots in the slot in
the class called {\it direct-slots}.

If options have been provided, the standard method on update-class
stores the new options in the slot {\it options} in the class.
To inform all subclasses of the updated class of changes that might
affect them, a call is made to the generic function
propagate-class-update, passing it all the arguments to update-class.



This generic function is called to determine the direct-superclasses for
a class.  It is called by the standard method for update-class when
direct-supers have been supplied.  It receives as arguments the class
for whom the superclassess are intended, and the supplied superclasses.
It returns a list of classes.

\Defgen {default-class-supers} {class supplied-superclasses}

\Defmeth {default-class-supers} {(class standard-class) supplied-supers}

If {\it supplied-supers} is NIL, or the list just containing the class
named T, then this method returns a list containing the class named
object.  Otherwise it returns its argument {\it supplied-supers}.
\Defmeth {default-class-supers} {(class structure-class) supplied-supers}

If {\it supplied-supers} is NIL then this method returns a list
containing the class named T.  Otherwise it returns its argument 
{\it supplied-supers}.

\Defmeth {default-class-supers} {(class funcallable-standard-class) supplied-supers)}

If {\it supplied-supers} is NIL then this method returns a list
containing the class named function and the class named object.  Otherwise it
returns its argument {\it supplied-supers}.

\beginsubsubsection{Example of specializing default-class-supers}

Suppose we have loops-class as a subclass of standard-class, and we want
all instances of loops-class to have the class named loops-object as
their default super.


(defclass loops-class (standard-class) ())

;;; Implement the rule that where standard-class would have made
;;; the superclasses be a list of the class object, we return a
;;; list of the class loops-object.
(defmethod default-class-supers ((class loops-class) supplied-supers)
  (let ((default (call-next-method)))
    (if (and (null (cdr default))
             (eq (car default) (class-named 'object)))
        (list (class-named 'loops-object))


\endsubsubsection%{Example of specializing default-class-supers}



The generic function check-super-metaclass-compatibility tests whether
the proposed superclass has a metaclass compatible with being the a
direct-superclass of the class being defined.  It should signal an
error if there is a compatibility problem.

\Defgen {check-super-metaclass-compatibility} {class proposed-superclass}

\Defmeth {check-super-metaclass-compatibility} 
         {(class t) (proposed-superclass t)}

The default method signals an error unless the metaclasses are EQ.
\Defmeth {check-super-metaclass-compatibility} {(class standard-class)

Standard classes support having superclasses that are not yet defined.
These superclasses are represented by instances of
forward-referenced-class.  Hence, this method returns T. 
{\it Question:  can check-super-metaclass-compatibility have a side
effect on any class -- that is make things compatible by changing the
metaclass of one or more classes.  Should this be a predicate, like
legal-class-option-p, and have the error signalled in update-class
standard method.  YES and NO respectively}



This generic function is used to check the legality of class options
provided to update-class.  It uses or method combination type, and
returns true if one of the applicable methods believes that the option is
legal.  This generic function is called by the standard method on
update-class, which signals an error if legal-class-option-p returns
false for an option.

\Defgen {legal-class-option-p} {class option-option}

\Defmeth {legal-class-option-p}
         {(class standard-class) option}

This method checks for the allowed options described in chapter 1.


\endSubSection%{Update Entry}

\beginSubSection{Update Propagation}


The  generic function propagate-class-update guarantess to visit all
the subclasses (direct or indirect) of the changed-class at least once.
 It receives as arguments all the information passed to update-class. 
It also receives {\it class}, the class that is to notice the change,
and {\it changed-class}, the class that was the orginal argument to
update-class.  It is called from the standard method of update-class.

The value of propagate-class-update is not defined.

\Defgen {propagate-class-update} {class changed-class \rest key-arguments}

\Defmeth {propagate-class-update} 
         {(class standard-class) changed-class \&rest key-arguments}

The standard method on propagate-class-update calls the generic
function update-class-locally on the given class. It passes it all the
arguments it received. 

The standard method on propagate-class-update then calls
propagate-class-update recursively on each of its direct-subclasses in
order.  This has the effect of making a depth first walk of the
subclasses of a class, possibly visiting some subclasses more than once.


(defmethod propagate-class-update ((class standard-class) changed-class &rest key-args)
  (let ((new-key-args
           (append (apply #'update-class-locally class changed-class key-args)
   (dolist (sub (slot-value class 'direct-subclasses))
     (apply #'propagate-class-update sub changed-class new-key-args))))


{\it Fix update-class-locally to say it returns nil, fix other places to talk
about the value it can return. }


\endSubSection%{Update Propagation}

\beginSubSection{Local Class Updating}


This generic function is responsible for ensuring that appropriate
changes will be made if a class has been changed either directly (by
update-class) or indirectly, by being a subclass of a directly changed

The arguments passed to update-class-locally are the same as those that
were passed to propagate-class-update.  The named arguments are the
same as those passed originally to update-class.  This generic function
is called from the standard method for propagate-class-update.

The value of update-class-locally is used by propagate-class-update in
its recursive call, this allows update class locally to pass information
down to the subclasses that will also be updated.


  (class changed-class
  &rest key-arguments 
  &key (direct-superclasses () new-supers-p)
        (direct-slots () new-slots-p)
        (options () new-options-p)


\Defmeth {update-class-locally}
     {(class standard-class) changed-class
  \&rest key-arguments 
  \&key :direct-superclasses :direct-slots :options 

This method on update-class-locally sets to NIL the slot 
{\it inheritance-finalized-p}. This slot is used as a flag
to determine if certain methods should call finalize-inheritance.
The standard methods on make-instance and update-instance-structure
check this flag to determine if they should call finalize-inheritance.

What happens next in this method in update-class-locally is dependent
on whether the class {\it class} has instances.  This is determined in
this method by a call to the generic function class-has-instances-p. 
If the class does not have instances, not further updating is done in
this method.  This is postponed until finalize-inheritance is called.

If {\it class} has no instances, this method on update-class-locally
returns immediately. What follows is what happens if {\it class} does
have instances. 

If direct-superclasses are provided, this method sets the value of the
slot {\it class-precedence-list} to the result obtained by calling the
generic function compute-class-precedence-list.

If direct-superclasses or direct-slots are provided, this method on
update-class-locally sets the value of the slot {\it slots} in the
class to the result obtained by calling the generic function

If the result returned by collect-slotds specifies a different list of
instance slots, then the generic function make-instances-obsolete is
called on this class.  It is because this must be done immediately that
class-precedence-list and slots must be updated if the class has



This generic function is used to tell if there are any existing
instances of a given class.  Implementations are allowed to be
conservative and return T if this class has ever had an instance
created.  This generic function is called by the standard method on

\Defgen {class-has-instances-p} {class}

\Defmeth {class-has-instances-p} {(class standard-class)}

This is the only method that must exist in the standard.  It must
return T if there are current instances of the class and/or there are
instances of an obsolete version this class that may be updated to the
current instance structure.  It may be conservative.  It may even
return T all the time.  The only penalty will be possible additional
work in updating classes. 



This generic function computes the class precedence list of a class as described in Chapter 1.  The value is a list of class objects in order.

\Defgen {compute-class-precedence-list} {class}

\Defmeth {compute-class-precedence-list} {(class standard-class)}

The standard method on class-precedence-list treats instances of
forward-referenced-class as classes with no superclasses but the class
named T.


\endSubSection%{Local Class Updating}

\beginSubSection{Finalizing Class Inheritance}


The generic function finalize-inheritance is used to optimize the
creation of instances by precomputing information based on inherited. 
It is called by the methods on standard-class for make-instance and
update-instance-structure if a flag stored in the class slot {\it
inheritance-finalized-p} is NIL.  It may also be called by the user.  

Users with special optimization requirements can write methods on
finalize-inheritance to precompute their own information based on
inherited information, and be assured they will be called when ever
changes occur.

The value of finalize-inheritance is undefined.

\Defgen {finalize-inheritance} {class}

\Defmeth {finalize-inheritance} {(class standard-class))}

This method sets the value of the
slot {\it class-precedence-list} to the result obtained by calling the
generic function class-precedence-list.

This method warns if any of the superclasses are instances of

It sets the value of the slot {\it slots} in the
class to the result obtained by calling the generic function

This method sets the flag in the slot {\it
inheritance-finalized-p} to T.


\endSubSection%{Finalizing Class Inheritance}

\beginSubSection{Adding and Removing Accessor Methods}

As part of the processing of the class option, readers and accessors
for particular slots may have to be added.  If there was a previous
definition of the class being changed, some readers and writers may
need to be removed.  The following generic functions are used to
implement this facility.  They are called from the standard method for

For each of these generic function, the {\it class} argument is the
class on which the slot is to be found.  The slotd is the
slot-desciption object.  The caller of these generic functions, the
standard method on update-class, has these slot-description objects in
hand at the time of the call. The {\it generic-function-name} is a
symbol.  All the methods on these generic functions call
ensure-generic-function with the name and constructed lambda-list to
get the generic fucntion to add the method too.

The value of each of these generic functions is the newly added
(removed) method, or NIL if it was unsuccessful..


This generic function adds a reader method for the slot in {\it class} described by {\it slotd} to the generic function named by the symbol  {\it generic-function-name}.  It returns the method object added.  

\Defgen {add-reader-method} {class slotd generic-function-name}

\Defmeth {add-reader-method}
     {(class standard-class) slotd generic-function-name}

This method ensures that generic-function-name is the name of an
appropriate generic function by calling ensure-generic-function.   It
then creates a method object that is an instance of the class
standard-reader-method.  The effect of this standard method on
add-reader-method is as though it evaluated:

`(defmethod ,generic-function-name ((c ,class))
   (slot-value c  ',(slot-value slotd 'name)))

Implementations are free to provide special mechanisms for these readers.



This generic function adds a writer method for the slot in {\it class}
described by {\it slotd} to the generic function named by the symbol
{\it generic-function-name}.  It returns the method object added.  

\Defgen {add-writer-method} {class slotd generic-function-name}

\Defmeth {add-writer-method}
     {(class standard-class) slotd generic-function-name}

This method ensures that generic-function-name is the name of an
appropriate generic function by calling ensure-generic-function.   It
then creates a method object that is an instance of the class
standard-writer-method.  The effect of this method is as though it

`(defmethod (setf ,generic-function-name) ((c ,class)) (new-value)
   (setf (slot-value c ',(slot-value slotd 'name)) new-value))

Implementations are free to provide special mechanisms for these writers.



This generic function removes a reader method for the slot in {\it
class} described by {\it slotd} from the generic function named by the
symbol {\it generic-function-name}.  It returns the method object
removed, or NIL if none was found.  

\Defgen {remove-reader-method} {class slotd generic-function-name}

\Defmeth {remove-reader-method}
     {(class standard-class) slotd generic-function-name}

This method uses get-method to locate the reader method on the named
generic function.   It then removes the method located.  If there is no
such generic function or there is no such method on the generic
function, this method on remove-reader-method returns NIL.  Otherwise
it returns the removed method. 



This generic function adds a writer method for the slot in {\it class}
described by {\it slotd} from the generic function named by the symbol
{\it generic-function-name}.  It returns the method object removed, or
NIL if none was removed.  

\Defgen {remove-writer-method} {class slotd generic-function-name}

\Defmeth {remove-writer-method}
     {(class standard-class) slotd generic-function-name}

This method uses get-method to locate the writer method on the named
generic function.   It then removes that method.  If there is no such
generic function or there is no such method on the generic function, it
returns NIL.  Otherwise it returns the removed method. 


\endSubSection%{Adding and Removing Accessor Methods}

\endSection%{The Class Update Protocol}

\beginSection{The Slot Inheritance Protocol}

The total set of slots for any given class is computed by combining the
locally defined slots for the class and all of its superclasses.  For
standard classes, this combination proceeds according to the rules
described in chapter 1.  This combination is implemented by the
slot inheritance protocol.

The slot-inheritance protocol is a two level protocol.

collect slotds collects up all the slotds and then calls
compute-effective-slotd to condense them into one slotd.  Need to make
some statement about the ordering constraints on what collect slotds
will do.  Perhaps there aren't any.

The computation of the set of slots and their descriptions are
controlled at two levels.  For each slot, the set of slots with that
name, ordered by class precedence list (most specific first), is used to
compute an effective slot description for the slot locally, using

   compute-effective-slotd (class slotds)

The standard method for this generic function supports the inheritance
of slot options that is described in Chapter 1.  It returns a
slot-description object that can be used locally.

The generic function collect-slotds (class local-slots cpl) collects an
ordered list of effective slot descriptions for this class.  It takes
the local-slots as an argument, and recursively builds up the list of
all slots that need to be in this class.  It calls
compute-effective-slotd to combine multiple definitions of a single slot
found in classes on the class precedence list.

\beginsubsubsection{Example of Specializing compute-effective-slot-description}

Suppose a user wanted to define a new metaclass which implemented a
different rule for the inheritance of the :type slot option.  This new
rule might want to say that a subclass must specify a type which is at
least as specific as the type specified by any of the superclasses.
If none of the superclasses specified a type, the local class may either
not specify a type at all or may specify any type it likes.


(defmethod compute-effective-slot-description ((class my-class)
  (when (car slot-descriptions)
    (when (slot-boundp (car slot-descriptions) 'type)
      ;; The class has a local specification for this slot and
      ;; the :type option is specified in that specification.
      ;; Make sure the specified type is at least as specific
      ;; as all the other types specified.
      (let ((local-type (slot-value (car slot-descriptions) 'type)))
        (dolist (super-slot (cdr slot-descriptions))
          (when (slot-boundp super-slot 'type)
            (unless (subtypep slotd-type (slot-value super-slot 'type))
               (error "~S is not a subtype of ~S"
                      (slot-value super-slot 'type))))))))


\endsubsubsection%{Example of Specializing compute-effective-slot-description}

\endSection%{The Slot Inheritance Protocol}

\beginSection{The Instance Structure Protocol}

This section does not yet include descriptions of any setf functions.
While reading it, you should assume that the obvious functions have setf
functions with the obvious meanings.

It sure would be real nice if there were some abbreviated way to discuss
setf functions.  Putting them in line all the time is real painful and
interrupts the flow of the text.  I don't think its possible though.

Metaclasses determine the structure of their meta-instances.  This
includes allocating the memory for and managing the layout of the
instance.  This is handled by the instance structure protocol.

The instance structure protocol has several levels.  At the lowest
level, it permits the allocation and access to two kinds of instances:
standard-class and structure-class.  At this level, instances appear to
be be vector-like blocks of memory with the additional property that the
type system (including class-of) can determine their class.  At this
level, positive integers called indexes can be used to access the
elements of the instance.  For this reason this is called the Indexed
Level of instance structure.  At this level there is also support for
implementation specific mechanisms for controlling the packing and
garbage collection parameters of this access.

At the next level, there is a mapping from symbolic descriptions of the
elements of an instance to the information about where the slot is
stored. This level is called the Symbolic Level of index structure. For
standard class this mapping is from the symbol which names a slot to the
actual either index in the instance where the slot is stored or a
specification that the slot is a :class slot.

At the highest level, the instance appears to contain a set of slots as
described in chapter 1.  This is called the Slot Level of index
structure.  Since only metaclass programmers make use of the levels
below the slot level, it is often useful to think of this as the user

User defined metaclasses can define new elements of instances at any of
the three levels.

The rest of this section describes these three levels and describes how
the standard-class and structure-class metaclasses use them.

{\it There is a bit of design rationale I would like to put in here, but
I can't figure out how.  Specifically, the reason we specify just the
two meta-instance types and don't specify a general way to allocate new
kinds of instances is that we don't want to have to specify a more
powerful portable way to extend an implementation's type system.  Also,
it turns out that this provides as much power as a seemingly more
general portable mechanism would provide.  This is because all the more
general schemes I have been able to come up with turn out to be
essentially equivalent to this.

\beginSubSection{Instance Allocation}

At the indexed level of the protocol, an instance of a certain type and
size is allocated by calling the appropriate allocation function.  At
the symbolic level, information about what will be stored in the
instance -- the slots -- is used to determine the appropriate size for
the instance.  At the slot or user level, the metaclass determines the
kind of instance which is allocated.

\beginSubSection{Index Level Instance Allocation}

At the lowest level, there are two functions used for allocating
instances.  These are allocate-standard-instance and
allocate-structure-instance.  Each of these takes as arguments an
instance size.  The size indicates the size of the elements in index
numbers (see the low level instance access section).  The optional
argument storage-information is an implementation-specific value which
can be used to specify packing and garbage collection information for
the instance.

\Defun {allocate-standard-instance} {class size {\opt} storage-information}
\Defun {allocate-structure-instance} {class size {\opt} storage-information}

The value returned is the newly allocated instance.

\Defun {standard-instance-p} {thing}

Returns true if thing is a standard instance (was created by a call to

\Defun {structure-instance-p} {thing}

Returns true if thing is a structure instance (was created by a call to

Implementations are free to make standard instances and structure
instances be the same but they must do so consistently.  In other words
if any value returned by allocate-structure-instance is
standard-instance-p they must all be and vice versa.

\endSubSection%{Index Level Instance Allocation}

\beginSubSection{Symbolic Level Instance Allocation}

At the symbolic level, information about what is to be stored in the
instances of the class is used to determine the appropriate size for the
instance.  This level acts as a translation between the information
stored at the slot level (about what slots the instance has) and the
indexed level.


Methods on compute-instance-size take care of this conversion.  The
kernel methods on compute-instance-size return a size greater than or
equal to the number of slots that must be stored in the instance.

\Defmeth {compute-instance-size} {(class standard-class)}

This method returns a number greater than or equal to the number of
:instance slots of the class.

\Defmeth {compute-instance-size} {(class structure-class)}

This method returns a number greater than or equal to the number of
slots of the class.


\endSubSection%{Symbolic Level Instance Allocation}

\beginSubSection{Slot Level Instance Allocation}



At the slot level, instances are allocated using the generic function
allocate-instance.  Methods on allocate-instance take care of calling
the appropriate index level instance-allocation function.  These methods
determine the appropriate size for the instance by calling the
compute-instance-size generic function.  

\Defmeth {allocate-instance} {(class standard-class) \&key \&allow-other-keys}

This method allocates instances using the allocate-standard-instance
function.  The size argument to the allocate-standard-instance function
is determined by calling the compute-instance-size generic-function with
the class as its only argument.  Whether the packing-information
argument to allocate-standard-instance is supplied is implementation

\Defmeth {allocate-instance} {(class structure-class) \&key \&allow-other-keys}

This method allocates instances using the allocate-standard-instance
function.  The size argument to the allocate-standard-instance function
is determined by calling the compute-instance-size generic-function with
the class as its only argument.  Whether the packing-information
argument to allocate-standard-instance is supplied is implementation


\endSubSection%{Slot Level Instance Allocation}

\endSubSection%{Instance Allocation}

\beginSubSection{Instance Access}

The instance access part of the instance structure protocol operates at
the same three levels as the instance allocation part does.  

\beginSubSection{Index Level Instance Access}

At the index level, instances are accessed as if they were vector-like
blocks of memory.  They are accessed with functions specific to the kind
of instance being accessed.

\Defun {standard-instance-ref} {instance index \&optional storage-info}

Takes a standard-instance and returns the element stored at index number
index.  If the instance argument is not a standard-instance the results
are undefined.  If the instance argument is smaller than the index
specified the results are undefined.

Specific implementations may extend the meaning of the storage-info
argument to provide mechanisms for data packing and garbage collection

\Defun {structure-instance-ref} {instance index \&optional storage-info}

Takes a structure-instance and returns the element stored at index number
index.  If the instance argument is not a structure-instance the results
are undefined.  If the instance argument is smaller than the index
specified the results are undefined.

Specific implementations may extend the meaning of the storage-info
argument to provide mechanisms for data packing and garbage collection

\Defun {standard-instance-boundp} {instance index \&optional storage-info}

If there is a value stored in index number index of the
standard-instance instance this returns true.  If there is no value
stored there returns false.  If the instance argument is not a
standard-instance the results are undefined.  If the instance argument
is smaller than the index specified the results are undefined.

Specific implementations may extend the meaning of the storage-info
argument to provide mechanisms for data packing and garbage collection

\Defun {standard-instance-makunbound} {instance index \&optional storage-info}

Causes there to be no value stored in element number index of the
standard instance standard-instance.  If the instance argument is not a
standard-instance the results are undefined.  If the instance argument
is smaller than the index specified the results are undefined.

Specific implementations may extend the meaning of the storage-info
argument to provide mechanisms for data packing and garbage collection

\endSubSection%{Low Level Instance Access}

\beginSubSection{Symbolic Level Instance Access}

The symbolic storage layer provides indirection from symbolic
descriptions of an element of an instance to the index number at which
that element is stored.  Standard-class and structure-class use this
layer to map from slot names to the index number at which the slot is

The symbolic storage layer is designed to provide an interface to this
symbolic mapping which can be used by metaclass programmers to take
advantage of implementation specific optimization mechanisms.


The generic function index-in-instance is used to convert a symbolic
description of an element of an instance to a specification of where
that slot is stored.  The kernel methods for index in instance support
symbolic descriptions which are symbols, specifically slot-names. If the
slot is a :instance allocated slot these methods return the index number
at which that element is stored.  If the slot is a :class allocated slot
these methods return the slot description representing the slot.  User
defined methods can extend this mechanism to use other kinds of symbolic

\Defmeth {index-in-instance} {(class standard-class) instance description}

If description is a symbol which is the name of a :instance slot in the
class, returns the index number at which that slot is stored.  If
description is a symbol which is the name of a :class slot in the class
returns the slot description which represents that slot.  Otherwise this
returns nil.  For more information about exactly how the index number is
computed see the section on computing slot inheritance.

\Defmeth {index-in-instance} {(class structure-class) instance description}

If description is a symbol which is the name of a slot in the class,
returns the index number at which that slot is stored.  Otherwise this
returns nil. For more information about exactly how the index number is
computed see the section computing slot inheritance.


\beginSubSection{Optimized Symbolic Level Instance Access}

The standard-instance-access function provides the basic interface to
the implementation-specific standard instance access optimization.  This
function is just a simple combination of more primitive instance access
mechanisms, but it is designed to be the place where the implementation
provides its optimization.  In most implementations calls to this
function will be replaced by just a few instructions.  Specific
implementations of CLOS are expected to implement their instance access
optimization by optimizing these functions and then using the Instance
Access Optimization Protocol to convert instance accesses to calls to
this function.

The effective definition of standard-instance-access is:


(defun standard-instance-access 
       (instance description trap not-bound-function missing-function)
  (let* ((class (class-of instance))
         (index (index-in-instance class description)))
    (cond ((null index)
           (funcall missing-function instance description))
	  ((not (numberp index))
	   (slot-value index 'value))
          ((null (standard-instance-boundp instance index))
           (funcall not-bound-function instance description))
           (standard-instance-ref instance index)))))


In order to support the optimization there is a contract between
standard-instance-access and the kernel methods which provide the class
updating protocol.  Specifically, standard-instance-access is allowed to
call index-in-instance at finalize-inheritance time.  This means that
any user defined methods on index-in-instance which might affect uses of
standard-instance-access must guarantee that their value only changes
when a class update happens.

In order to allow flexible use of the optimization
standard-instance-access provides, there is a mechanism for deoptimizing
calls to standard-instance-access for a particular class.  This
mechanism causes all the calls to standard-instance-access for a
particular class to call the trap function instead.  The trap function
received the instance and the description as its arguments.

\Defun {deoptimize-standard-instance-access} {class}

There is a similar set of functions for structure instance.  But,
structure-instance-access doesn't support deoptimization, and
structure-instance-access is free to call index-in-instance at load
time.  This reflects the different performance optimization
structure-class provides.

\endSubSection%{Optimized Symbolic Level Instance Access}

\endSubSection%{Symbolic Level Instance Access}

\beginSubSection{Slot Level Instance Access}

At the highest level, instance access is in terms of slots.  The basic
functions for accessing the slots of an instance are described in
chapters 1 and 2.  In this section we describe the generic functions
underlying those functions. The functions rely entirely on these generic
functions to implement their behavior.  Each of the corresponding
functions calls the generic functions directly, the only difference is
that the class of the object is included as the first argument to the
generic function.  In the case of setf functions, the class is the
second argument.  For example the slot-value and (setf slot-value)
functions are implemented in terms of slot-value-using-class and (setf slot-value-using-class) as follows: 


(defun slot-value (instance slot-name)
  (slot-value-using-class (class-of instance) instance slot-name))

(defun (setf slot-value) (new-value instance slot-name)
  (setf (slot-value-using-class (class-of instance) instance slot-name)



The generic function {\bf slot-value-using-class} is called by the
function {\bf slot-value}.

{\bf slot-value-using-class} returns the value of the slot with the
given name. All methods on slot-value-using-class call slot-missing if
the slot with the given name does not exist.  Some methods on
slot-value-using-class may do additional checks, for example to see if
the slot is bound.

\Defmeth {slot-value-using-class} {(class standard-class) instance slot-name}

Returns the value of the slot named slot-name if such a slot
exists and is bound.  If the slot does not exist calls slot-missing.  If
the slot exists but is not bound calls slot-unbound.

\Defmeth {slot-value-using-class} {(class structure-class) instance slot-name}

Returns the value of the slot named slot-name if such a slot
exists.  If the slot does not exists calls slot-missing.



The generic function {\bf slot-boundp-using-class} is called by the
function {\bf slot-boundp}.

The generic function {\bf slot-boundp-using-class} tests whether a
specific slot in an instance of a given class is bound.  Not all
metaclasses support this operation.

\Defmeth {slot-boundp-using-class} {(class standard-class) instance slot-name}

If a slot with the given name exists, and that slot is bound, returns
true.  If a slot with the given name exists and that slot is not bound
returns false.  If no slot with the given name exists the function
slot-missing is called.

\Defmeth {slot-boundp-using-class} {(class structure-class) instance slot-name}

If a slot with the given name exists, returns true.  If no slot with the
given name exists the function slot-missing is called.



The generic function {\bf slot-makunbound-using-class} is called by the
function {\bf slot-makunbound}.

For metaclass which support unbound slots, the generic function {\bf
slot-makunbound-using-class} restores a slot to its unbound state.
Attempting to read a slot after it has been made unbound will result in
a call to {\bf slot-unbound}.

\Defmeth {slot-makunbound-using-class} {(class standard-class) instance slot-name}

If a slot with the given name exists in the class the slot is restored
to its original unbound state.  If there is no slot with the given name
in the class calls slot-missing.

\Defmeth {slot-makunbound-using-class} {(class structure-class) instance slot-name}

Since this operation is not supported by structure-class, this method
signals an error.



The generic function {\bf slot-exists-p-using-class} is called by the
function {\bf slot-exists-p}.

The generic function {\bf slot-exists-p-using-class} tests whether a
slot by the given exists in the instance.

\Defmeth {slot-exists-p-using-class} {(class standard-class) instance slot-name}

If either a :instance or :class slot slot with the given name exists in
the class returns true.  Otherwise returns false.

\Defmeth {slot-exists-p-using-class} {(class structure-class) instance slot-name}

If a slot with the given name exists in the class returns true.
Otherwise returns false.


\endSubSection%{Slot Level Instance Access}

\endSubSection%{Instance Access}

\beginsubsubSection{Example of Using the Instance Structure Protocol}

This example also makes use of the Optimizing Instance Access Protocol,
to fully understand it see that section also.


;;; Define a new metaclass faceted-slot-class which provides one facet
;;; for each :instance slot in the class.  In the instances, the facets
;;; are stored between the slots, each facet comes immediately after its
;;; corresponding slot.

(defclass faceted-slot-class (standard-class) ())

(defmethod compute-instance-size ((class faceted-slot-class))
  (* 2 (call-next-method)))

(defmethod index-in-instance ((class faceted-slot-class) description)
  (cond ((symbolp description)
         (* 2 (call-next-method)))
        ((and (listp description)
              (eq (car description) 'facet))
         (1+ (index-in-instance (cadr description))))
         (error "Don't understand the description ~S." description))))

(defun slot-facet (instance slot-name)
  (standard-instance-access instance
                            (list 'facet slot-name)

(defun (setf slot-facet) (new-value instance slot-name)
  (setf (standard-instance-access instance 
                                  (list 'facet slot-name)

(defun facet-unbound (instance facet)
  (error "The facet ~S is unbound in the object ~S" (cadr facet) instance)) 

(defun facet-missing (instance facet)
  (error "The facet ~S is missing from the object ~S" (cadr facet) instance))

(defmethod optimize-instance-access 
           ((class faceted-class) function args instance-arg context)
  (cond ((or (equal function 'slot-facet)
             (eq function #'slot-facet))
         `(standard-instance-access ,(car args)
                                    '(facet ,(cadr args))
        ((or (equal function '(setf slot-facet))
             (eq function #'(setf slot-facet)))
         `(setf (standard-instance-access ,(cadr args)
                                          '(facet ,(cadr args))
                ,(car args)))


\endsubsubsection%{Example of Using the Instance Structure Protocol}

\endSection%{The Instance Structure Protocol}

\beginSection{The Instance Access Optimization Protocol}

As described in chapters 1 and 2, most code access instances at the slot
level.  But, as described in the Instance Structure Protocol section,
a call to slot-value results in a call to the slot-value-using-class
generic function which then calls standard-instance-access.  If every
call to slot-value had to do this generic function call, slot access
would be too slow.

To solve this problem, CLOS provides a mechanism for optimizing calls to
slot-value.  At compile-time, this mechanism optimizes calls to
slot-value where it is possible to convert the call to a use of
standard-instance-access.  This requires that the compiler be able to
ascertain the class of an instance (it can be a subclass of that class
at run-time).

This mechanism is general enough that it can be used to optimize any
access to instances whose class is known at compile time. 

There is a notion which needs to be defined here.  It is the concept of
a context in which a call to standard-instance-access can be optimized.
I don't understand quite how to define this.  It needs to be phrased in
a portable way.

The fundamental hook for this mechanism is the optimize-instance-access
generic function.  This generic function is called on any instance
accessing form which, if it were converted to a call to
standard-instance-access could be furthur optimized.  This gives the
metaclass programmer an opportunity to optimize any instance accessing
form into a call to standard-instance-access whenever it would do any

optimize-instance-access receives as arguments the class of the instance
being accessed (or a superclass) the function being called on the
instance, all the arguments to the function, the particular one of those
arguments which will be the instance at run-time and information about
the context the access is in.  The context will be the symbol :effect if
the compiler is guaranteeing that this access is for effect only.

\Defmeth {optimize-instance-access} {(class standard-class) function arguments instance-argument context}


(defmethod optimize-instance-access 
           ((class standard-class) function args instance-arg context)
  (cond ((or (equal function 'slot-value)
             (eq function #'slot-value))
         `(standard-instance-access ,(car args)
                                    '(facet ,(cadr args))
        ((or (equal function '(setf slot-value))
             (eq function #'(setf slot-value)))
         `(setf (standard-instance-access ,(cadr args)
                                          '(facet ,(cadr args))
                ,(car args)))
        (t nil)))


When a metaclass optimizes slot accesses, it may do so in a way that
makes them deoptimizable.  A deoptimized slot access is one that goes
through the full access protocol rather than the optimized access.  If a
metaclass can deoptimize its slot accesses, it should return true from 
can-deoptimize-slot-accesses-p, if not it should return false.

\Defmeth {can-deoptimize-slot-accesses-p} {(class standard-class)}

Returns true.

\Defmeth {can-deoptimize-slot-accesses-p} {(class structure-class)}

Returns false.

\Defmeth {deoptimize-slot-accesses} {(class standard-class)}

Deoptimizes its optimized slot accesses by calling

\Defmeth {can-deoptimize-slot-accesses-p} {(class structure-class)}

Signals an error.

\endSection%{The Instance Access Optimization Protocol}

   [[[[Expanding the defgeneric form]]]]

The defgeneric form is expanded into a call to ensure-generic-function,
followed by a call to defmethod for each method-description clause in
the defgeneric form.  The behavior of ensure-generic-function is
described in Chapter 2.


\beginSection{The Named Method Definition Protocol}

The generic function expand-defmethod is used to compute the expansion
of defmethod forms.

  (proto-method name qualifiers lambda-list body environment)

Whatever value expand-defmethod returns will be used as the expansion of
the defmethod.  Before expand-defmethod is called, the defmethod form is
parsed according to the syntax defined in the CLOS spec, so methods on
expand-defmethod can't be used to change the syntax of defmethod, but
can be used to change the expansion for methods of a particular class.
Note that for many uses, it is more appropriate to define a special
method on expand-method-body.

The arguments of the standard method for expand-defmethod are as follows:


An instance of the class of method this defmethod form is supposed to
define.  This class is the one specified by the generic function's
:method-class option.  It can be the prototype instance of the method


The name argument to the defmethod form.  It is the name of
the generic function that this method should be added to.


A list of the method qualifiers as specified in the defmethod form


The specialized lambda-list as specified in the defmethod form


The body as specified in the defmethod form.


The lexical environment the defmethod form appeared in.  This is what the defmethod macro got as its \&environment argument.

    For a typical defmethod like:

(defmethod move :before ((p position) x y)
    "Move the position to x,y and update the display"
    (setf (pos-x p) x)
    (setf (pos-y p) y)

The arguments would be:

name:          MOVE 
qualifiers:    (:BEFORE) 
lambda-list:   ((p position) x y) 
body:   ((setf (pos-x p) x) (setf (pos-y p) x) (update-display))
environment:   <some structure or NIL>

\beginsubsubsection{Example of specializing expand-defmethod}

Suppose the user wants some methods to broadcast to other machines, but
not have calls to those same generic functions that are broadcast to

(defmethod expand-defmethod ((proto-method broadcast-method)
                             name qualifiers lambda-list body environment)
 (call-next-method  name qualifiers 
    (add-key-argument lambda-list '(broadcaster nil broadcast-p))
    `(multiple-value-prog1 (progn ,@body)
        (or broadcast-p
           ,(broadcast-call name lambda-list)))

\endsubsubsection%{Example of specializing expand-defmethod}

The standard method on expand-defmethod calls the generic function
expand-method-body. expand-method-body is also called by the other
method defining forms.  This means that it can affect lexically defined
methods as well.  This generic function gets the opportunity to do extra
processing of the body of the method.  This processing can include
things like inserting declarations, wrapping a special lexical
environment around the body etc.

expand-method-body (mex-method generic-function-name body env) 

The mex-method argument is an instance of the same method class that the
defmethod form will define (the same class as the method-instance
argument to expand-defmethod).  Unlike the method-instance argument, the
mex-method argument has the qualifiers, lambda-list, and specializers
slots filled in.  This provides a general mechanism for expand-defmethod
to communicate information about the method that will be defined to
expand-method-body.  If defmethod is being evaluated at load time (as
opposed to compile time), the mex object is in fact the method that will
be returned by the evaluation of the defmethod form.

add-named-method and friends need to go in here.
add-named-method, ensure-generic-function, get-method

\endSection%{The Named Method Definition Protocol}

\beginSection{The Generic Function Update Protocol}

The generic functions get-method, add-method and remove-method
previously described provide and interface for directly accessing and
manipulating the methods of a generic function.

In order to update links between classes and generic functions that have used the classes as specializers, the standard method on generic-function-changed calls
add-method-on-specializer(method standard-method specializer)
remove-method-on-specializer(method standard-method specializer)

For other changes to a generic function, the update-generic-function
generic function is used.  It is called with the generic function as a
first argument and keywords describing the change that should be made to
the generic function.

\Defgen {update-generic-function} {generic-function \key class
method-combination-type method-combination-arguments

The standard method makes the change as specified and then calls
compute-discriminator-code to compute new discriminator code for the
generic function.

\endSection%{The Generic Function Update Protocol}

\beginSection{The Method Lookup Protocol}

When a generic function is called with particular arguments, it must
determine the code to execute.  This code is called the {\bit effective
method\/} for those arguments.  The effective method is a {\bit
combination\/} of the applicable methods in the generic function.  A
combination of methods is a Lisp expression that contains calls to some
or all of the methods.  If a generic function is called and no methods
apply, the generic function {\bf no-applicable-method} is invoked.

When the effective method has been determined, it is converted to
an actual function and the actual function is applied to the same
arguments as were passed to the generic function. Whatever values it
returns are returned as the values of the generic function.

The specification for the precise way the kernel computes the effective
method appears in chapter 1.  This section describes the protocol used
to compute and invoke the effective method.

The key component in this protocol is the discriminator code for the
generic function.  The discriminator code for a generic function is
called whenever the generic function is called; it computes the
effective method and invokes it.  The discriminator code for a generic
function is computed each time the generic function changes.  When the
generic function itself is called, the pre-computed discriminator code
is called.  The protocol described here is used to compute the
discriminator code, thus the protocol described here is not invoked when
the generic function is called, it is invoked whenever the generic
function is updated.  This allows method lookup to be a fast operation.

The standard-method on update-generic-function calls
compute-discriminator-code whenever the generic function changes.
compute-discriminator-code is expected to return the discriminator code
for the generic function.  This discriminator code must be valid until
the next time update-generic-function is called.

The standard-method on compute-discriminator-code provides the
documented behavior of computing the effective method and calling it.
It does this by providing a second layer of protocol, specifically the
compute-effective-method generic function.  compute-effective-method is
called by the standard-method on compute-discriminator-code to compute
the effective method for a set of applicable methods.

There are also several support functions supplied by the kernel to
assist users in extending the method lookup protocol.  These support
functions implement certain key parts of the kernel method lookup

\Defgen {compute-discriminator-code} {generic-function}

\Defmeth {compute-discriminator-code} {(generic-function standard-generic-function)}


(defmethod compute-discriminator-code 
           ((generic-function standard-generic-function))
  #'(lambda (&rest args)
      (let* ((lambda-list (slot-value generic-function 'lambda-list))
             (methods (compute-applicable-methods generic-function args))
                    (slot-value generic-function
                    (slot-value generic-function
        (check-keyword-arguments lambda-list methods args)
        (apply function args))))


\Defgen {compute-effective-method} {generic-function applicable-methods
method-combination-type method-combination-arguments}

\Defmeth {compute-effective-method} {(generic-function standard-generic-function) applicable-methods method-combination-type method-combination-arguments}

{\it Actually, there is one method here for each pre-defined
method-combination-type.  This needs to be explained in terms how
define-method-combination expands into a defmethod for

\beginSubSection{Support Functions for Method Lookup}

In order to help the user use the method lookup protocol the CLOS kernel
provides some helpful support functions.

\Defun {compute-applicable-methods} {generic-function arguments}

Given a generic function and a set of arguments, this uses the standard
rules to determine the ordered set of applicable methods.

\Defun {compute-combination-points} {generic-function}

Computes all the combination points for this generic functions.  That is
all the points at which (if you are using combined-methods) methods must
be combined.  For each point it also provides the ordered set of
methods applicable at the point.

{\it This may sound like it is too implementation specific to be useful
in the metaobject protocol, but I think that is because of the way I am
describing it.  I believe a lot of method lookup hackers are going to
want to compute this, and given that it is hard to compute accurately
and quickly I think we should provide it.

\Defun {check-keyword-arguments} {generic-function lambda-list methods args} 

This implements the keyword congruence rules specified in chapter 1.  If
the keyword arguments in args are OK, this returns t.  Otherwise it
signals an error. 

\Defun {make-method-call} {method-list \key operator identity-with-one-argument}

This is documented in chapter 2.

\Defun {make-function-call} {function}

This has behavior similar to make-method-call.  It produces a call to
the function with all the arguments of the generic function.

{\it we should invent a better name for this. }

\Defun {make-effective-method-function} {generic-function effective-method-body}

This takes the effective method body as computed by
compute-effective-method-body and converts it to a function which
implements the effective method.  This function accepts the same
arguments the generic function accepts.  This function does the standard
keyword congruence checking.  This function arranges to call all the
methods ``as if with :allow-other-keys t''.

{\it Basically, make-effective-method-function, make-method-call and
make-function-call are the ones that have the contract that makes
calling methods work.  They communicate the information about what
parameters the arguments will be bound to, how to hack :allow-other-keys
t etc. }

{\it I am concerned that actually we have to get rid of make-method-call
and have a call-method special form.  Otherwise, I don't know how
someone is going to build a portable stepper for standard generic

\endSubSection%{Support Functions for Method Lookup}

\beginSubSection{Example of using the Method Lookup Protocol}

This example defines a special class of tracing generic function.  This
class of generic function provides two kinds of tracing facilities.  The
first kind allows the user to specify that calls to particular generic
functions should cause breakpoints.  The second allows the user to
specify that calls to the effective method for particular sets of
methods should cause breakpoints.


(defvar *trace-generic-functions* ())
(defvar *trace-effective-methods* ())

(defclass tracing-generic-function (standard-generic-function) ())

(defmethod compute-discriminator-code ((gf tracing-generic-function))
  (let ((real-discriminator-code (call-next-method)))
    #'(lambda (&rest args)
        (when (member gf *trace-generic-functions*)
          (break "The generic function ~S is one of the generic~%~
                  functions on *trace-generic-functions*"
        (apply real-discriminator-code args))))

(defmethod compute-effective-method ((gf tracing-generic-function)
     (when (member ',methods *trace-effective-methods* :test #'equal)
       (break "The set of methods ~S is one of the sets of~%~
               methods on *trace-effective-methods*."


\endSubSection%{Example of using the Method Lookup Protocol}

\endSection%{The Method Lookup Protocol}
