perm filename FLEET.C[AM,DBL] blob sn#596926 filedate 1981-06-30 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00003 00002	HULL: Config 1 19900t (+8528dt=28428tot)	$2388
C00005 00003	HULL: Config 9 19900t (+8528dt=28428tot)Armor6	$  14.925	6965
C00007 00004	HULL: Config 1 16100t (+6900dt=23000tot)	$1932
C00009 00005	HULL: Config 9 16100t (+6900dt=23000tot) Armor6	$  12.075	5647.075
C00011 00006	HULL: Config 4 10500t (+4500dt=15000tot)	$ 630
C00013 00007	HULL: Config 4 9800t (+4200dt=14000tot)		$ 630
C00015 00008	HULL: Config 4 8400t (+3600dt=12000tot)		$ 504
C00017 00009	AGILITY 6 -- HULL: Config 1 10500t(+5600dt=16100tot)	$1260
C00018 00010	AGILITY 6 -- HULL: Config 1 12000t(+6000dt=18000tot) $1440
C00020 00011	troopship -- HULL: Config 1 12000t(+6000dt=18000tot) $1440
C00022 ENDMK
HULL: Config 1 19900t (+8528dt=28428tot)	$2388
Pow 5 (3+)			[995eps]	 8955		2985
Manu 2 (1+)					  696.5		 995
Jump 4+ (3)					 4548.48	1137.12
Fuel: 995.571 int + 8528 jump 			    8.538	9523.571
Bridge						   99.5		 398
Purif. Plant					    1.524	 285.71
Meson C				[600eps]	 3000		2000
Armor 12					 7761		5174
Meson Screen 1			[40]		   80		  90
Nuc Damper 1			[10]		   50		  50
Comp 6/fib			[5]		   83		  14
1 Accel 8 (100t Bay)		[60]		   35		 100
1 Repuls 6 (100t Bay)		[10]		   10		 100
11 Missile 9 (100t Bays)			  220		1100
20 Fusion 4 			[40]		   40		  40
20 Beam Laser 3			[60]		   60		  20
19 Sand 4					   14.25	  19
Crew: 10+57+(1+7+20+8+26+49)+60=238		   60.75	 486
3 Bays for 1000t craft						3300

Totals:						28,111.542  app.600 to spare
@disc: 22,489.24
4 would cost: 95,860.358
HULL: Config 9 19900t (+8528dt=28428tot)Armor6	$  14.925	6965
AGILITY 1 -- Pow 5 (3+)		[995eps]	 8955		2985
Manu 2 (1+)					  696.5		 995
Jump 4+ (3)					 4548.48	1137.12
Fuel: 995.571 int + 8528 jump 			    8.538	9523.571
Bridge						   99.5		 398
Meson C				[600eps]	 3000		2000
Armor 8 					 3940.2		3582
Meson Screen 1			[40]		   80		  90
Nuc Damper 1			[10]		   50		  50
Comp 6    (NONFIB)		[5]		   55		   7
88 Missile 3             			  396  		 176
1 Fusion 4 			[2]		    2		   2
1 Beam Laser 3			[3]		    3		   1
1 Sand 4					     .75	   1
Extra 1t DropTank (not dropped, though)		     .001	   1
Crew: 10+57+(1+5+20+8+91)+60=252		   64.25	 514
TOTALS:						21,914.143	 .3t spare
@disc: 17,531.313
4 would cost: 74,727.23
HULL: Config 1 16100t (+6900dt=23000tot)	$1932
Pow 5 (3+)			[805eps]	 7245		2415
Manu 2 (1+)					  563.5		 805
Jump 4+ (3)					 3680   	 920
Fuel: 805 + 6900 jump 			  	    6.91	7705
Bridge						   80.5		 322
Purif. Plant					    1.233	 231.15
Meson C				[600eps]	 3000		2000
Armor 12					 6279		4186
Meson Screen 1			[40]		   80		  90
Nuc Damper 1			[10]		   50		  50
Comp 6/fib			[5]		   83		  14
1 Accel 8 (100t Bay)		[60]		   35		 100
1 Repuls 6 (100t Bay)		[10]		   10		 100
7  Missile 9 (100t Bays)			  140		 700
16 Fusion 4 			[32]		   32		  32
16 Beam Laser 3			[48]		   48		  16
19 Sand 4					   14.25	  19
Crew: 10+41+(1+7+20+8+14+51)+48=200		   51.25	 410
2 Bays for 1000t craft						2200

Totals:						23,331.643  app.685 to spare
@disc: 18,665.314
5 would cost: 98,226.216
HULL: Config 9 16100t (+6900dt=23000tot) Armor6	$  12.075	5647.075
Pow 5 (3+)			[805eps]	 7245		2415
Manu 2 (1+)					  563.5		 805
Jump 4+ (3)					 3680   	 920
Fuel: 805 + 6900 jump 			  	    6.91	7705
Bridge						   80.5		 322
Meson C				[600eps]	 3000		2000
Armor 4 					 1127		1610
Meson Screen 1			[40]		   80		  90
Nuc Damper 1			[10]		   50		  50
Comp 6/fib			[5]		   83		  14
1 Accel 8 (100t Bay)		[60]		   35		 100
1 Repuls 6 (100t Bay)		[10]		   10		 100
7  Missile 9 (100t Bays)			  140		 700
16 Fusion 4 			[32]		   32		  32
16 Beam Laser 3			[48]		   48		  16
19 Sand 4					   14.25	  19
Crew: 10+41+(1+7+20+8+14+51)+48=200		   51.25	 410

unfort., w/auto armor 6, we would like TOTAL armor of 14, not 10.
HULL: Config 4 10500t (+4500dt=15000tot)	$ 630
Pow 7 (4+)			[735eps]	 6615		2205
Manu 2 (1+)					  367.5		 525
Jump 4+ (3)					 2400   	 600
Fuel: 735 int + 4500 jump 			    4.51 	5235
Bridge						   52.5		 210
Purif. Plant					     .838	 157.05
Meson C				[600eps]	 3000		2000
Armor 12					 4095		2730
2 Meson Screen 1		[40]		  160		 180
2 Nuc Damper 1			[10]		  100		 100
2 Comp 6/fib			[5]		  166		  28
1 Repuls 6 (100t Bay)		[10]		   10		 100
1 Missile 9 (100t Bays)			  	   20		 100
14 Fusion 4 			[28]		   28		  28
14 Beam Laser 3			[42]		   42		  14
17 Sand 4					   12.75	  17
Crew: 10+33+(1+6+20+8+8+45)+32=163		   42   	 336

Totals:						17,749.098  app.435t to spare
@discount: 14,058.478
5 of them total to $73,982.742
Each one refuels 52,350t worth of the fleet; 5 refuel 261750.
HULL: Config 4 9800t (+4200dt=14000tot)		$ 630
Pow 7 (4+)			[686eps]	 6174		2058
Manu 2 (1+)					  343  		 490
Jump 4+ (3)					 2240   	 560
Fuel: 686 int + 4200 jump 			    4.896	4886
Bridge						   49  		 196
Purif. Plant					     .782	 146.58
Meson C				[600eps]	 3000		2000
Armor 12					 3822		2548
2 Meson Screen 1		[20]		  160		 180
2 Nuc Damper 1			[10]		  100		 100
2 Comp 6/fib			[5]		  166		  28
1 Repuls 6 (100t Bay)		[10]		   10		 100
14 Missle 3					   63   	  28
14 Fusion 4 			[28]		   28		  28
13 PulseLaser 1			[13]		    6.5		  13
13 Sand 4					    9.75	  13
Crew: 10+31+(1+6+20+8+2+54)+29=161		   41.5 	 332

Totals:						17,749.098  app.435t to spare
@discount: 14,058.478
5 of them total to $73,982.742
Each one refuels 52,350t worth of the fleet; 5 refuel 261750.
HULL: Config 4 8400t (+3600dt=12000tot)		$ 504
Pow 8 (5+)			[672eps]	 6048		2016
Manu 2 (1+)					  294		 420
Jump 4+ (3)					 1920   	 480
Fuel: 672 int + 3600 jump 			    4.282	4272
Bridge						   42		 168
Purif. Plant					     .684	 128.16
Meson C				[600eps]	 3000		2000
Armor 12					 3276		2184
Meson Screen 1			[40]		   80		  90
Nuc Damper 1			[10]		   50		  50
Comp 6/fib			[5]		   83		  14
15 Missile 3           				   33.75	  30
9 Plasma 3 			[9]		    9		   9
8 Pulse Laser 1			[8]		    4		   8
17 Sand 4					   12.75	  17
Crew: 10+29+(1+5+20+8+49)+25=147		   38   	 304

Totals:						17,749.098  app.435t to spare
@discount: 14,058.478
5 of them total to $73,982.742
Each one refuels 52,350t worth of the fleet; 5 refuel 261750.
AGILITY 6 -- HULL: Config 1 10500t(+5600dt=16100tot)	$1260
Pow 7 (4+)			[735eps]	 6615		2205
Manu 6 (4+)					  892.5		1785
Jump 5+ (3)					 2576   	 644
Fuel: 735 int + 5600 jump 			    5.61        6335
Bridge						   52.5		 210
Purif. Plant					    1.0136	 190.05
Armor 12					 4095		2730
2 Meson Screen 1		[21]		  160		 180
2 Nuc Damper 1			[10]		  100		 100
2 Comp 6/fib			[5]		  166		  28
6 Missile 9 (100t Bays)			  	  120		 600
15 Fusion 4 			[30]		   30		  30
13 Beam Laser 3			[39]		   39		  13
17 Sand 4					   12.75	  17
Crew: 10+46+(1+5+12+8+45)+32=159		   41		 328
AGILITY 6 -- HULL: Config 1 12000t(+6000dt=18000tot) $1440
Pow 7 (4+)			[840eps]	 7560		2520
Manu 6 (4+)					 1020  		2040
Jump 5->3  					 2880   	 720
Fuel: 840 int + 6000 jump 			    6.01        6840
Bridge						   60  		 240
Purif. Plant					    1.0944	 205.2
Armor 11					 4032		2880
Meson Screen 1			[24]		   80		  90
Nuc Damper 1			[10]		   50		  50
Comp 6/fib			[5]		   83		  14
1 Repuls 6			[10]		   10		 100
6 Missile 9 (100t Bays)			  	  120		 600
16 Fusion 4 			[32]		   32  		  32
13 Beam Laser 1			[39]		   39  		  13
11 Sand 4					    8.25	  11
1 bay for 1000t craft					        1100
Crew: 10+53+(1+7+16+8+40)+2+24+75=236		   60.25 	 482
	frozen watch: 118 low berths		    5.9 	  59  
TOTALS:						$17,487.504	  3.8 to spare
@disc: 13,990.003
refueling capability 6840 (=68,400 worth of fleet fuel tanks)
tug capability: POW 7-->1 and MANU 6 (17%)--> 1+ (since 17/7 > 2%) = 72000 tanks
6 of these cost 87,612.397, use 18 pilots, and handle 
410,400 in fuel tonnage for refueling, 432000 in drop tankage recovery.
note the 75 marines; also the frozen watch; also the 2 flight crew members.
troopship -- HULL: Config 1 12000t(+6000dt=18000tot) $1440
AGILITY 3 -- Pow 5 (3+)		[600eps]	 4800		1800
Manu 3 (2+)					  480  		 960
Jump 5->3  					 2880   	 720
Fuel: 600 int + 6000 jump 			    6.01        6600
Bridge						   60  		 240
Purif. Plant					    1.056 	 198
Armor 4 					  840		1200
Meson Screen 1			[24]		   80		  90
Nuc Damper 1			[10]		   50		  50
Comp 6/fib			[5]		   83		  14
1 Repuls 6			[10]		   10		 100
6 Missile 9 (100t Bays)			  	  120		 600
1 Accel 8			[60]		   35		 100
16 Fusion 4 			[32]		   32  		  32
13 Beam Laser 1			[39]		   39  		  13
11 Sand 4					    8.25	  11
3 bays for 1000t craft					        3300
Crew: 10+35+(1+6+16+8+40)+5+24+835=980		  246.25 	1970
TOTALS:						$11,210.566	  2t to spare
arch fee: 112.106
@disc: 8,968.453
refueling capability 6600 (=66,000 worth of fleet fuel tanks)
tug capability: expands to 4 times its size, ergo grabbing total of 36000 tanks