perm filename INDEX[RFC,NET]16 blob sn#771194 filedate 1984-09-30 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00003 00002	RFC     Author       Date        Title (999:900)
C00015 00003	RFC     Author       Date        Title (899:800)
C00050 00004	RFC     Author       Date        Title (799:700)
C00076 00005	RFC     Author       Date        Title (699:600)
C00097 00006	RFC  NIC number      Date      Author	   Title (599:500)
C00110 00007	RFC  NIC number      Date      Author	   Title (499:400)
C00123 00008	RFC  NIC number      Date      Author	   Title (399:300)
C00137 00009	RFC  NIC number      Date      Author	   Title (299:200)
C00150 00010	RFC  NIC number      Date      Author	   Title (199:100)
C00166 00011	RFC  NIC number      Date      Author	   Title (099:000)
C00196 ENDMK
RFC     Author       Date        Title (999:900)
---     ------       ----        -----

∂914  Farber/Delp/Conte Sep 84	A Thinwire Protocol

   This RFC focuses discussion on the particular problems in the 
   ARPA-Internet of low speed network interconnection with personal 
   computers, and possible methods of solution.  None of the proposed 
   solutions in this document are intended as standards for the 
   ARPA-Internet.  Rather, it is hoped that a general consensus will 
   emerge as to the appropriate solution to the problems, leading 
   eventually to the adoption of standards.  Distribution of this memo 
   is unlimited.

∂913	M. Lottor    Sept 84	Simple File Transfer Protocol 

   This memo describes a proposed Simple File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). 
   It fills the need of people wanting a protocol that is more useful 
   than TFTP but easier to implement (and less powerful) than FTP.  SFTP
   supports user access control, file transfers, directory listing, 
   directory changing, file renaming and deleting.  Discussion of this 
   proposal is encouraged, and suggestions for improvements may be sent 
   to the author.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

∂912	M. StJohns   Sept 84	Authentication Service 

   This memo describes a proposed authentication protocol for verifying 
   the identity of a user of a TCP connection.  Discussion of this 
   proposal is encouraged, and suggestions for improvements may be sent 
   to the author.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

∂911	P. Kirton    Sep 84	EGP Gateway under Berkeley Unix 4.2 

   This memo describes an implementation of the Exterior Gateway 
   Protocol (EGP) (in that sense it is a status report).  The memo also 
   discusses some possible extentions and some design issues (in that 
   sense it is an invitation for further discussion).  Distribution of 
   this memo is unlimited.

∂910	H. Forsdick  Aug 84	Multimedia Mail Meeting Notes 

   This memo is a report on a meeting about the experimental multimedia 
   mail system (and in a sense a status report on that experiment).  The
   meeting was held at Bolt Beranek and Newman on 23-24 July 1984 to 
   discuss recent progress by groups who are building multimedia mail 
   systems and to discuss a variety of issues related to the further 
   development of multimedia systems.  Representatives were present from
   BBN, ISI, SRI and Linkabit.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

∂909	Welles/Milliken  July 84  Loader Debugger Protocol

   The Loader Debugger Protocol (LDP) is an application layer protocol 
   for loading, dumping, and debugging target machines from hosts in a 
   network environment.  This RFC specifies a proposed protocol for the 
   ARPA-Internet and DARPA research community, and requests discussion 
   and suggestions for improvemts.  Distribution of this memo is 

∂908	Velten/Hinden/Sax  July 84  Reliable Data Protocol 

   The Reliable Data Protocol (RDP) is designed to provide a reliable 
   data transport service for packet-based applications.  This RFC 
   specifies a proposed protocol for the ARPA-Internet and DARPA 
   research community, and requests discussion and suggestions for 
   improvemts.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

∂907	S. Storch    July 84	Host Access Protocol Specification

   This document specifies the Host Access Protocol (HAP).  Although HAP
   was originally designed as the network-access level protocol for the 
   DARPA/DCA sponsored Wideband Packet Satellite Network, it is intended
   that it evolve into a standard interface SATNET and TACNET (aka 
   MATNET) as well as the Wideband Network.  HAP is an experimental 
   protocol, and will undergo further revision as new capabilities are 
   added and/or different satellite networks are suported.  
   Implementations of HAP should be performed in coordination with 
   satellite network development and operations personnel.

∂906	R. Finlayson  June 84	Bootstrap Loading Using TFTP 

   It is often convenient to be able to boootstrap a computer system 
   from a communications network.  This RFC proposes the use of the IP 
   TFTP protocol for bootstrap loading in this case.

∂905	ISO	     May 84	ISO Transport Protocol Specification (ISO DP 8073)

   This is the current specification of the ISO Transport Protocol.  
   This document is the text of ISO/TC97/SC16/N1576 as corrected by 
   ISO/TC97/SC16/N1695.  This is the specification currently being voted
   on in ISO as a Draft International Standard (DIS).  This document is 
   distributed as an RFC for your information only, it does not specify 
   a standard for the ARPA-Internet or DARPA research community.  Our 
   thanks to Alex McKenzie of BBN for making this online version 
   available.  Please note the size of this document, the file contains 
   258,729 characters.

∂904	D. Mills    May 84	Exterior Gateway Protocol Formal Specification 

   This memo is the specification of the Exterior Gateway Protocol.  
   This memo updates portions of RFC 888 and RFC 827.  Anyone working on
   an implementation of the EGP should follow this specification.  This 
   RFC specifies an official protocol of the DARPA community for use 
   between gateways of different autonomous systems in the 

∂903  Finlayson,Mann,Mogul,Theimer  June 84  A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol

   This RFC suggests a method for workstations to dynamically find their
   protocol address (e.g., their Internet Address), when they know only 
   their hardware address (e.g., their attached physical network 
   address).  This RFC specifies a proposed protocol for the ARPA 
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for 

∂902  Postel/Reynolds  July 84	ARPA-Internet Protocol Policy 

   The purpose of this memo is to explain how protocol standards are 
   adopted for the ARPA-Internet and the DARPA research community.  
   There are three important aspects to be discussed:  the process, the 
   authority, and the complex relationship between the DARPA community 
   and the DDN community.  This memo is a policy statement on how 
   protocols become official standards for the ARPA-Internet and the 
   DARPA research community.  This is an official policy statement of 
   the ICCB and the DARPA.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

∂901	J. Reynolds  June 84	Official ARPA-Internet Protocols 

   This RFC identifies the documents specifying the official protocols 
   used in the ARPA-Internet.  Annotations identify any revisions or 
   changes planned.  This memo is an official status report on the 
   protocols used in the DARPA research community.

∂900	J. Reynolds  June 84	Assigned Numbers 

   This RFC specifies parameter values use in the Internet family of 
   protocols, such as network numbers, well known ports, protocol types,
   and version numbers.  This memo is an official status report on the 
   protocol parameters used in the Internet protocol system.
RFC     Author       Date        Title (899:800)
---     ------       ----        -----

∂899  Postel/Westine  May 84	Requests for Comments Summary - Notes 800-899

   This memo is a slightly annotated lisy of the 100 RFCs from number 
   800 through 899.  This is a status report on these RFCs.

∂898	R. Hinden    Apr 84	Gateway Special Interest Group Meeting Notes 

   This memo is a report on the Gateway Special Interest Group Meeting 
   that was held at ISI on 28 and 29 February 1984.  Robert Hinden of 
   BBNCC chaired, and Jon Postel of ISI hosted the meeting.  
   Approximately 35 gateway designers and implementors attended.  These 
   notes are based on the recollections of Jon Postel and Mike Muuss.  
   Under each topic area are Jon Postel's brief notes, and additional 
   details from Mike Muuss.  This memo is a report on a meeting.  No 
   conclusions, decisions, or policy statements are documented in this 

∂897	J. Postel    Mar 84	Domain Name System Implementation Schedule 

   This memo is a policy statement on the implementation of the Domain 
   Style Naming System in the Internet.  This memo is a partial update 
   of RFC 881.  The intent of this memo is to detail the schedule for 
   the implementation for the Domain Style Naming System.  The names of 
   hosts will be changed to domain style names.  Hosts will begin to use
   domain style names on 14-Mar-84, and the use of old style names will 
   be completely phased out before 2-May-84.  This applies to both the 
   ARPA research hosts and the DDN operational hosts.  This is an 
   official policy statement of the ICCB and the DARPA.

∂896	J. Nagel     Feb 84	Congestion Control in IP/TCP Internetworks 

   This memo discusses some aspects of congestion control in IP/TCP 
   Internetworks.  It is intended to stimulate thought and further 
   discussion of this topic.  While some specific suggestions are made 
   for improved congestion control implementation, this memo does not 
   specify any standards.

∂895	J. Postel    May 84	A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams
				over Experimental Ethernet Networks 

   This RFC specifies a standard method of encapsulating Internet 
   Protocol (IP) datagrams on an Experimental Ethernet.  This RFC 
   specifies a standard protocol for the ARPA-Internet community.  

∂894	C. Hornig    May 84	A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams
				over Ethernet Networks 

   This RFC specifies a standard method of encapsulating Internet 
   Protocol (IP) datagrams on an Ethernet.  This RFC specifies a 
   standard protocol for the ARPA-Internet community.  

∂893	Leffler&Karels  May 84	Trailer Encapsulations 

   This RFC discusses the motivation for use of "trailer encapsulations"
   on local-area networks and describes the implementation of such an 
   encapsulation on various media.  This document is for information 
   only.  This is NOT an official protocol for the ARPA-Internet 

∂892	ISO	     Dec 83	ISO Transport Protocol Specification 

   This document specifies the Transport Protocol developed by the ISO. 
   It is presented in RFC form for the information of the ARPA Internet 
   community.  This is not an ARPA Internet standard.

∂891	D. Mills     Dec 83	DCN Local-Network Protocols 

   This RFC provides a description of the DCN protocols for maintaining 
   connectivity, routing, and clock information in a local network.  
   These procedures may be of interest to the designers and implementers
   of other local networks.

∂890	J. Postel    Feb 84	Exterior Gateway Protocol Implementation Schedule 

   This memo is a policy statement on the implementation of the Exterior
   Gateway Protocol in the Internet.  This is an official policy 
   statement of ICCB and DARPA.

   After 1-Aug-84 there shall be no dumb gateways in the Internet.  
   Every gateway must be a member of some autonomous system.  Some 
   gateway of each autonomous system must exchange routing information 
   with some gateway of the core autonomous system using the Exterior 
   Gateway Protocol.

∂889	D. Mills     Dec 83	Internet Delay Experiments 

   This memo reports on some measurements of round-trip times in the 
   Internet and suggests some possible improvements to the TCP 
   retransmission timeout calculation.  This memo is both a status 
   report on the Internet and advice to TCP implementers.

∂888	L. Seamonson Jan 84	Stub Exterior Gateway Protocol
	 & E. Rosen

   This note defines the protocol that stub gateways use with core 
   gateways to exchange routing information.  This is an ARPA official 
   protocol.  All gateway designers and implementers should study this 
   document carefully.

∂885	J. Postel    Dec 83	Telnet End of Record Option

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts on the
   ARPA Internet that need to mark record boundaries within Telnet protocol data
   are expected to adopt and implement this standard.

∂884	Solomon &    Dec 83	Telnet Terminal Type Option

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts on the
   ARPA Internet that exchange terminal type information within the Telnet
   protocol are expected to adopt and implement this standard.

∂883	Mockapetris  Nov 83	Domain Names - Implementation and Specification

   This memo discusses the implementation of domain name servers and
   resolvers, specifies the format of transactions, and discusses the use
   of domain names in the context of existing mail systems and other
   network software.

∂882	Mockapetris  Nov 83	Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities

   This RFC introduces domain style names, their use for ARPA Internet
   mail and host address support, and the protocols and servers used to
   implement domain name facilities.

∂881	J. Postel    Nov 83	The Domain Names Plan and Schedule

   This RFC outlines a plan and schedule for the implementation of domain
   style names throughout the DDN/ARPA Internet community.  The
   introduction of domain style names will impact all hosts on the
   DDN/ARPA Internet.

∂880	Reynolds&Postel Oct 83	Official Protocols

   This RFC identifies the documents specifying the official protocols used in
   the Internet.  Obsoletes: RFC 840

∂879	J. Postel    Nov 83	The TCP Maximum Segment Size and Related Topics

   This RFC clarifies the TCP specification and provides some advice to 
   implementers.  In particular, the relationship between the TCP 
   maximum segment size and the IP maximum datagram size is discussed 
   and defined.

∂878	A. Malis     Dec 83	The ARPANET 1822L Host Access Protocol 

   This RFC specifies the ARPANET 1822L Host Access Protocol, which is a
   successor to the existing 1822 Host Access Protocol.  The 1822L 
   procedure allows ARPANET hosts to use logical identifiers as well as 
   1822 physical interface identifiers to address each other.

∂877	J. T. Korb    Sep 83	 A Standard for the Transmission of IP
			         Datagrams Over Public Data Networks 

   This memo specifies the standard encapsulation for transmission of IP
   Datagrams in X.25 Packets over Public Data Networks.

∂876    D. Smallberg  Sep 83	 Survey of SMTP Implementations 

   This memo reports the results of a survey of implementations of the 
   mail transport protocol.  The features checked were: (1) the 
   interaction with an ARPANET host (a host on a class A network), (2) 
   the interaction with a ISI-NET host (a host on a class B net), (3) 
   the implementation of the VRFY command, (4) the implementation of the
   Postmaster mailbox, and (5) the treatment of a bad recipient name.

∂875	M. Padlipsky	82/83	Gateways, Architectures, and Heffalumps 

   This memo discusses Gateways and Protocol Translation.

∂874	M. Padlipsky	82/83	A Critique of X.25 

   This memo is a discussion of the CCITT X.25 protocol and its 
   attendant conceptual framework, the ISO Reference Model.

∂873	M. Padlipsky	82/83	The Illusion of Vendor Support 

   This memo argues that vendor supplied software for computer 
   networking based on the ISO Reference Model is not worth waiting for,
   especially in light of the existing ARPA family of protocols.

∂872	M. Padlipsky	82/83	TCP-ON-A-LAN (Local Area Net)

   This memo discusses the use of TCP on a local area network.

∂871	M. Padlipsky	82/83	A Perspective on the Arpanet Reference Model 

   This memo describes the development of the ARPA protocols, and 
   compares and contrasts the ARPA protocol reference model with the ISO
   Reference Model.

∂870	Reynolds&Postel	Oct 83	Assigned Numbers

   This RFC documents the currently assigned values from several series of
   numbers used in network protocol implementations.  Obsoletes RFCs:  820, 790,
   776, 770, 762, 758, 755, 750, 739, 604, 503, 433, 349

∂869	R. Hinden    Dec 83	A Host Monitoring Protocol 

   This RFC specifies the Host Monitoring Protocol used to collect 
   information from various types of hosts in the Internet.  Designers 
   of Internet communications software are encouraged to consider this 
   protocol as a means of monitoring the behavior of their creations.

∂868 Postel&Harrenstein May 83	Time Protocol 

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts
   in the ARPA Internet that choose to provide this service are expected
   to adopt and implement this standard.  This specification obsoletes 
   IEN 142.

∂867	Postel	   May 83	Daytime Protocol 

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts
   in the ARPA Internet that choose to provide this service are expected
   to adopt and implement this standard.

∂866	Postel	   May 83	Active Users Protocol 

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts
   in the ARPA Internet that choose to provide this service are expected
   to adopt and implement this standard.

∂865	Postel	   May 83	Quote of the Day Protocol 

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts
   in the ARPA Internet that choose to provide this service are expected
   to adopt and implement this standard.

∂864	Postel	   May 83	Character Generator Protocol 

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts
   in the ARPA Internet that choose to provide this service are expected
   to adopt and implement this standard.  This specification obsoletes 
   RFC 429.

∂863	Postel	   May 83	Discard Protocol 

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts
   in the ARPA Internet that choose to provide this service are expected
   to adopt and implement this standard.  This specification obsoletes 
   RFC 348.

∂862	Postel	   May 83	Echo Protocol 

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts
   in the ARPA Internet that choose to provide this service are expected
   to adopt and implement this standard.  This specification obsoletes 
   RFC 347.

∂861  Postel&Reynolds  May 83	Telnet Extended Options List Option 

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts
   in the ARPA Internet are expected to adopt and implement this 
   standard.  This specification obsoletes NIC 16239.

∂860  Postel&Reynolds  May 83	Telnet Timing Mark Option 

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts
   in the ARPA Internet are expected to adopt and implement this 
   standard.  This specification obsoletes NIC 16238.

∂859  Postel&Reynolds  May 83	Telnet Status Option 

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts
   in the ARPA Internet are expected to adopt and implement this 
   standard.  This specification obsoletes NIC 31154 = RFC 651.

∂858  Postel&Reynolds  May 83	Telnet Supress Go Ahead Option 

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts
   in the ARPA Internet are expected to adopt and implement this 
   standard.  This specification obsoletes NIC 15392.

∂857  Postel&Reynolds  May 83	Telnet Echo Option 

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts
   in the ARPA Internet are expected to adopt and implement this 
   standard.  This specification obsoletes NIC 15390.

∂856  Postel&Reynolds  May 83	Telnet Binary Transmission Option 

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts
   in the ARPA Internet are expected to adopt and implement this 
   standard.  This specification obsoletes NIC 15389.

∂855  Postel&Reynolds  May 83	Telnet Option Specifications 

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts
   in the ARPA Internet are expected to adopt and implement this 
   standard.  This specification obsoletes NIC 18640.

∂854  Postel&Reynolds  May 83	Telnet Protocol Specification 

   This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts
   in the ARPA Internet are expected to adopt and implement this 
   standard.  This specification obsoletes NIC 18639.

∂853:851	[unknown]

∂850 	M. Horton    Jun 83	Standard for Interchange of USENET Messages 

   This RFC specifies the standard format for news articles in USENET.  
   The purpose of distributing this document as an RFC is to make it 
   easily accessible to the ARPA research community.

   This RFC does not specify a standard for the ARPA Internet.

∂849	M. Crispin   May 83	Suggestions for Improved Host Table Distribution 

   This memo make a few suggestions for different procedures for 
   distributing host table information.  This memo is indended to 
   stimulate thought and discussion, it does not propose or establish 
   any standard.

∂848:842	[unknown]

∂841	NBS	     Jun 83	Specification for Message Format for
		                Computer Based Message Systems 

   This RFC is FIPS 98.  The purpose of distributing this document as an
   RFC is to make it easily accessible to the ARPA research community.

   This RFC does not specify a standard for the ARPA Internet.

∂840:836	[unknown]

∂835	Smallberg   Dec 82	Who Talks TCP?

   The list of hosts was taken from the NIC hostname table of 2-Dec-82.
   The tests were run on 28-Dec-82 from ~12:01 pm to ~8:10 pm PST.  Dead,
   refused, and unreachable hosts were retried 29-Dec-82 from ~8:00 am to
   ~7:40 pm PST.

∂834:832	[unknown]

∂832	Smallberg   Dec 82	Who Talks TCP?

   The list of hosts was taken from the NIC hostname table of 2-Dec-82.
   The tests were run on 7-Dec-82 from ~12:01 am to ~2:15 am PST and from
   ~12:30 pm to ~7:00 pm PST.  Dead, refused, and unreachable hosts were
   retried 8-Dec-82 from ~3:15 pm to ~4:30 pm PST.

∂831		[unknown]

∂830	Su	Aug 82		A Distributed System for Internet Name Service

    This RFC proposes a distributed name service for DARPA
    Internet.  Its purpose is to focus discussion on the
    subject.  It is hoped that a general consensus will
    emerge leading eventually to the adoption of standards.

∂829		[unknown]

∂828	Owen	  Aug 82	Data Communications:  IFIP's International
				"Network" of Experts

   [ This RFC is distributed to inform the ARPA Internet community of the
   activities of the IFIP technical committee on Data Communications, and
   to encourage participation in those activities. ]

   A vital common thread which runs through virtually all current advances
   in implementing and operating computer-based systems is that of data
   communications.  The interconnection of the various elements of
   complete systems in new ways has become the driving force behind a
   substantial research and development effort.

∂827	Rosen	   Oct 82	Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP)

   It is proposed to establish a standard for Gateway to Gateway
   procedures that allow the Gateways to be mutually suspicious.  This
   document is a DRAFT for that standard.  Your comments are strongly

∂826		[unknown]

∂825	Postel	   Nov 82	Request for Comments on Requests for Comments

   This RFC is intended to clarify the status of RFCs and to provide some
   guidance for the authors of RFCs in the future.  It is in a sense a
   specification for RFCs.

∂824		[unknown]

∂823 Hinden&Sheltzer Sep 82	DARPA Internet Gateway

   This document explains the design of the Internet gateway used in the
   Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) Internet program.  The
   gateway design was originally documented in IEN-30, "Gateway Routing:
   An Implementation Specification" [2], and was later updated in IEN-109,
   "How to Build a Gateway" [3].  This document reflects changes made both
   in the internet protocols and in the gateway design since these
   documents were released.  It supersedes both IEN-30 and IEN-109.

∂822	Crocker	  13 Aug 82	Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages

   This standard specifies a syntax for text messages that are sent among
   computer users, within the framework of "electronic mail".  The
   standard supersedes the one specified in ARPANET Request for Comments
   #733, "Standard for the Format of ARPA Network Text Messages".

∂821	Postel	   Aug 82	Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

   The objective of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is to transfer
   mail reliably and efficiently.  This is the official Internet mail
   transfer protocol.

∂820  Postel&Vernon  Jan 83	Assigned Numbers

   This Network Working Group Request for Comments documents the currently
   assigned values from several series of numbers used in network protocol
   implementations.  This RFC will be updated periodically, and in any
   case current information can be obtained from Jon Postel.  The
   assignment of numbers is also handled by Jon, subject to the agreement
   between DARPA/IPTO and DDN/PMO about number allocation, documented in
   Appendix A of this RFC.  If you are developing a protocol or
   application that will require the use of a link, socket, port,
   protocol, or network number please contact Jon to receive a number

∂819	Su/Postel    Aug 82	The Domain Naming Convention for
				Internet User Applications

   For many years, the naming convention "<user>@<host>" has served the
   ARPANET user community for its mail system, and the substring
   "<host>" has been used for other applications such as file transfer
   (FTP) and terminal access (Telnet).  With the advent of network
   interconnection, this naming convention needs to be generalized to
   accommodate internetworking.  A decision has recently been reached to
   replace the simple name field, "<host>", by a composite name field,
   "<domain>" [2].  This note is an attempt to clarify this generalized
   naming convention, the Internet Naming Convention, and to explore the
   implications of its adoption for Internet name service and user

∂818	Postel	   Nov 82	The Remote User Telnet Service

   In the ARPANET Host-to-Host Network Control Protocol (NCP) and in the
   Internet Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) well known sockets or
   ports are used to identify services.  The general notion is that there
   are a few types of services that are distinct and useful enough to use
   the NCP or TCP demultiplexing mechanism directly.

   The most common of these is the Server Telnet which generally speaking
   defines the network terminal access procedure for a system executive.
   That is, making a connection to the server Telnet port actually puts
   the caller in contact with the system executive, for example, the
   TOPS20 EXEC or the Unix Shell.

   On some small hosts there may be very limited functionality and no
   executive.  In such cases it may be useful to designate specific well
   known ports for specific applications.

   This memo specifies that the specific service of User Telnet may be
   accessed (on hosts that choose to provide it) by opening a connection
   to port 107 (153 octal).  The Telnet Protocol is to be used on the
   connection from the originating user to the server.

∂817:812	[unknown]

∂811	NIC	1 Mar 82	Hostnames Server

    The NIC Internet Hostnames Server is an NCP/TCP-based host
    information program and protocol running on the SRI-NIC
    machine.  It is one of a series of ARPANET/Internet name
    services maintained by the Network Information Center (NIC) at
    SRI International on behalf of the Defense Communications
    Agency (DCA).  The function of this particular server is to
    deliver machine-readable name/address information describing
    networks, gateways, hosts, and eventually domains, within the
    internet environment.  As currently implemented, the server
    provides the information outlined in the DoD Internet Host
    Table Specification (RFC 810).

∂810	NIC	   1 Mar 82	DoD Internet Host Table Specification

   The ARPANET Official Network Host Table, as outlined in RFC 608, no
   longer suits the needs of the DoD community, nor does it follow a
   format suitable for internetting.  This paper specifies a new host
   table format applicable to both ARPANET and Internet needs.

   In addition to host name to host address translation and selected
   protocol information, we have also included network and gateway name
   to address correspondence, and host operating system information.

   This Host Table is utilized by the DoD Host Name Server maintained by
   the ARPANET Network Information Center (NIC) on behalf of the Defense
   Communications Agency (DCA) (RFC 811).  It obsoletes the host table
   described in RFC 608.

∂809:801	[unknown]

∂800	Postel	   1983		Summary of RFCs 700:799

RFC     Author       Date        Title (799:700)
---     ------       ----        -----

∂799     Mills        Sep 81      Internet Name Domains

  A suggestion that, as the internet grows, the space of host names
  cannot remain a flat space of globally unique names, and that a
  hierarchy of name domains be introduced; see also RFC 822.

∂798     Katz         Sep 81      Decoding Facsimile Data From the
                                 Rapicom 450

  A description of the encoding/decoding procedure for Rapicom450
  facsimile machine.

∂797     Katz         Sep 81      Format for Bitmap Files

  The description of a simple file format for bitmap data.

∂796     Postel       Sep 81      Address Mappings

  A description of the way the addresses of a few actual networks are
  mapped into internet addresses.

∂795     Postel       Sep 81      Service Mappings

  A description of how the internet type of service is mapped into the
  actual service parameters of a few particular networks, and vice

∂794     Cerf         Sep 81      Pre-Emption

  Discusses how pre-emption of TCP connection can be implemented.
  Replaces IEN 125.

∂793     Postel       Sep 81      Transmission Control Protocol

  The specification of TCP.  Replaces RFCs 761 and 675.

∂792     Postel       Sep 81      Internet Control Message Protocol

  The specification of ICMP.  Replaces RFCs 777 and 760.

∂791     Postel       Sep 81      Internet Protocol

  The specification of IP.  Replaces RFC 760.

∂790     Postel       Sep 81      Assigned Numbers

  An old version; see RFC 870.

∂789     Rosen        Jul 81      Vulnerabilities of Network Control
                                 Protocols:  An Example

  A description of an outage in ARPANET service and the process of
  determining the cause; also, subtleties of designing network

∂788     Postel       Nov 81      Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

  An old version; see RFC 821.

∂787     Chapin      July 81      Connectionless Data Transmission

  A discussion of datagram service.  Intended for submission to
  international standards bodies.

∂786     Sluizer     July 81      Mail Transfer Protocol:  ISI TOPS20
                                 MTP-NIMAIL Interface

  The description of the way mail is passed between the MTP and the
  NIMAIL programs in ISI TOPS20.  Outdated.

∂785     Sluizer     July 81      Mail Transfer Protocol:  ISI TOPS20
                                 File Definitions

  The description of the file format for passing mail to the MTP program
  from user mail programs in ISI TOPS20.  Outdated.

∂784     Sluizer     July 81      Mail Transfer Protocol:  ISI TOPS20

  The description of the program structure for the MTP implementation in
  the ISI TOPS20.  Outdated.

∂783     Sollins     June 81      The TFTP Protocol Revision 2

  The specification of TFTP.  Replaces RFCs 768, 764 and IEN 133.

∂782     Nabielsky   undated      A Virtual Terminal Management Model

  A description of the elements of a virtual terminal and the management
  of communications between them.

∂781     Su           May 81      A Specification of the Internet
                                 Protocol IP Timestamp Option

  The description of IP Timestamp option, now included in the IP
  specification (RFC 791).

∂780     Sluizer      May 81      Mail Transfer Protocol

  An outdated Mail protocol; see RFC 821.

∂779     Killian      Apr 81      TELNET SEND-LOCATION Option

  Definition of this Telnet option.

∂778     Mills     18 Apr 81      DCNet Internet Clock Service

  Specifies a format and procedure for the exchange of messages to
  maintain synchronized  clocks.

∂777     Postel       Apr 81      Internet Control Message Protocol

  An old version; see RFC 792.

∂776     Postel       Jan 81      Assigned Numbers

  An old version; see RFC 870.

∂775     Mankins      Dec 80      Directory Oriented FTP Commands

  The definition of additional FTP Commands related to directory

∂774     Postel       Oct 80      Internet Protocol Handbook Table of

  An out-of-date table of contents for an Internet Protocol Handbook.

∂773     Cerf         Oct 80      Comments on NCP/TCP Mail Service
                                 Transition Strategy

  A discussion of issues in the transition from NCP to TCP, particularly
  as related to MAIL Service.

∂772     Sluizer      Sep 80      Mail Transfer Protocol

  An old version of a Mail Protocol; see RFC 821.

∂771     Cerf         Sep 80      Mail Transition Plan

  A plan for supporting mail service in the transition from NCP to TCP;
  see also RFC 801.

∂770     Postel       Sep 80      Assigned Numbers

  An old version; see RFC 870.

∂769     Postel    26 Sep 80      Rapicom 450 Facsimile File Format

  The definition of the exchange format of the encoded facsimile data of
  the Rapicom 450; see also RFC 798.

∂768     Postel    28 Aug 80      User Datagram Protocol

  The specification of the UDP.

∂767     Postel       Aug 80      A Structured Format for  Transmission
                                 of Multi-Media Documents

  The definition of the format for the document of a multimedia message.

∂766     Postel       Jul 80      Internet Protocol Handbook

  An out-of-date table of contents for the Internet Protocol Handbook.

∂765     Postel       Jun 80      File Transfer Protocol

  The specification of FTP.

∂764     Postel       Jun 80      Telnet Protocol Specification

  The specification of Telnet.

∂763     Abrams     7 May 80      Role Mailboxes

  A call for mailboxes with role names, such as "Management".

∂762     Postel       Jan 80      Assigned Numbers

  An old version; see RFC 870.

∂761     Postel       Jan 80      DOD Standard Transmission Protocol

  An old version; see RFC 793.

∂760     Postel       Jan 80      DOD Standard Internet Protocol

  An old version; see RFC 791.

∂759     Postel       Aug 80      Internet Message Protocol

  The definition of the protocol and format for the exchange of
  multimedia mail.  Replaces RFC 753.

∂758     Postel       Aug 79      Assigned Numbers

  An old version; see RFC 870.

∂757     Deutsch   10 Sep 79      A Suggested Solution to the Naming,
                                 Addressing, and Delivery Problem for
                                 ARPANET Message Systems

  Discusses several proposals for handing the name to address to route
  processing for computer mail.  Favors a solution based on unique-ids
  and a data base, see also RFCs 759, 821 and 822.

∂756     Pickens      Jul 79      The NIC Name server--A  Datagram-Based
                                 Information Utility

  Describes a Host Name to Address look up service.

∂755     Postel     3 May 79      Assigned Numbers

  An old version; see RFC 870.

∂754     Postel     6 Apr 79      Out-of-Net Host Addresses for Mail

  A discussion of options for addressing computer mail beyond the

∂753     Postel       Mar 79      Internet Message Protocol

  An old version; see RFC 759.

∂752     Crispin    3 Jan 79      A Universal Host Table

  Describes the host table used at MIT and Stanford.  This has several
  extensions and generalizations from the NIC standard and the table
  used by most Tenex and TOPS20 hosts.

∂751     Lebling   10 Dec 78      Survey of FTP Mail and MLFL

  A survey of hosts' responses to probes of their FTP servers to see if
  servers (a) accept mail for unknown users and (b) support the MAIL and
  MLFL commands.

∂750     Postel    26 Sep 78      Assigned Numbers

  An old version; see RFC 870.

∂749     Greenberg 18 Sep 78      Telnet SUPDUP-OUTPUT Option

  Updates RFC 736; see also RFCs734, 746 and 747.

∂748     Crispin    1 Apr 78      TELNET RANDOMLY-LOSE Option

  Defines this Telnet option (note the date of this memo).

∂747     Crispin   21 Mar 78      Recent Extensions to the SUPDUP

  An update to the SUPDUP protocol (RFC 734); see also RFCs 749, 746 and

∂746     Stallman  17 Mar 78      The SUPDUP Graphics Extension

  An extension of SUPDUP for Graphics; see also RFCs 734, 736, 747 and

∂745     Beeler    30 Mar 78      JANUS Interface Specifications

  The specification of a symmetrical 1822 style interface.

∂744     Sattley    8 Jan 78      MARS - A Message Archiving and
                                 Retrieval Service

  The description of a database service for computer mail messages,
  which operates via computer mail.

∂743   Harrenstien 30 Dec 77      FTP extension:  XRSQ/XRCP

  An extension to FTP mail to allow more efficient transmission of
  computer mail.  Now incorporated into SMTP; see RFC788.

∂742   Harrenstien 30 Dec 77      NAME/FINGER Protocol

  Defines the Name or Finger Protocol which allows one to get "who is
  on" or "where is user x" information from another host.

∂741     Cohen     22 Nov 77      Specifications for the Network Voice
                                 Protocol NVP

  Defines the protocol used in the ARPANET packet speech experiments.

∂740     Braden    22 Nov 77      NETRJS Protocol

  Defines the protocol used for Remote Job Entry on the UCLA CCN IBM
  system; replaces RFCs 599 and 189.

∂739     Postel    11 Nov 77      Assigned Numbers

  An old version; see RFC 870.

∂738   Harrenstien 31 Oct 77      Time Server

  Defines the Time Server Protocol; see IEN 142 for the TCP and VDP

∂737   Harrenstien 31 Oct 77      FTP Extension: XSEN

  An extenion to the Mail procedures.  This function is incorporated in
  the SMTP; see also RFC 821.

∂736     Crispin   31 Oct 77      TELNET SUPDUP Option

  Defines the procedure for negotiating to use the SUPDUP, protocol as a
  TELNET option; see also RFCs 734, 746, 747 and 749.

∂735     Crocker    3 Nov 77      Revised TELNET Byte Macro Option
                                 Obsoletes 40306

  Defines a Telnet option for assigning codes to stand for strings in
  Telnet connections.  Replaces RFC 729.

∂734     Crispin    7 Oct 77      SUPDUP Protocol

  Description of a terminal control protocol used at STANFORD and MIT;
  see also RFCs 736, 746-749.

∂733     Crocker   21 Nov 77      Standard for the Format of ARPA Network
                                 Text Messages

  Specification of the format for the headers of computer mail.  An old
  version; see RFC 822.

∂732     Day       12 Sep 77      TELNET Data Entry Terminal Option

  The specification of a Telnet Option for the control of a data entry
  display terminal.  Replaces RFC 731.

∂731     Day       27 Jun 77      TELNET Data Entry Terminal Option

  An old version; see RFC 732.

∂730     Postel    20 May 77      Extensible Field Addresing

  Discusses some ideas on addressing that come up in the context of
  changing from 8-bit to 24-bit network addresses.

∂729     Crocker   13 May 77      TELNET Byte Macro Option

  An old version; see RFC 735.

∂728     Day       27 Apr 77      A Minor Pitfall in the Telnet Protocol

  Warns of the possibility of an unexpected occurence in Telnet
  resulting from the interaction between option subnegotiations and the
  telnet SYNCH operation.

∂727     Crispin   27 Apr 77      TELNET Logout Option

  Defines a telnet option for causing a logout.

∂726     Postel     8 Mar 77      Remote Controlled Transmission and
                                 Echoing Telnet Option

  Defines a Telnet option for controlling the transmission and echoing
  of data to smooth the response to use in high transmission delay
  environments; see also RFCs 719 and 718.

∂725     Day        1 Mar 77      An RJE Protocol for a Resource Sharing

  Describes a possible Remote Job Entry protocol.

∂724     Crocker   12 May 77      Proposed Official Standard for the
                                 Format of ARPA Network Messages

  An old version; see RFC 822.

∂723	 [??? Omitted from summary?]

∂722     Haverty   16 Sep 76      Thoughts on Interactions in Distributed

  A discussion on the design of interactive distributed services and the
  kinds of primitive operations that are needed.

∂721     Garlick    1 Sep 76      Out of Band Control Signals in a Host
                                 to Host Protocol

  A discussion of the control signals in transport protocols (e.g.,
  NCP's Interrupt or TCP's Urgent).

∂720     Crocker    5 Aug 76      Address Specification Syntax for
                                 Network Mail

  A discussion of computer mail addresses, with comments on real names
  vs. mailboxes, and mailing lists; see also RFC 819.

∂719     Postel    22 Jul 76      Discussion on RCTE

  A short discussion of RCTE implementation issues; see also RFCs 726
  and 718.

∂718     Postel    30 Jun 76      Comments on RCTE from the TENEX
                                 Implementation Experience

  A short note on the Tenex implementation of RCTE; see also RFCs 726
  and 719.

∂717     Postel     1 Jul 76      Assigned Network Numbers

  An old version; see RFC 870.

∂716     Levin     24 May 76      Interim Revision to Appendix F of BBN

  A short note updating the specification of the very Distant Host 1822

∂715	 [??? Omitted from summary?]

∂714     McKenzie  21 Apr 76      A Host/Host Protocol for an
                                 ARPANET-type Network

  A specification of a NCP-like protocol for an ARPA-like network.
  Interesting to compare to the NCP specification to see what the author
  would do differently.

∂713     Haverty    6 Apr 76      MSDTP -- Message Services Data
                                 Transmission Protocol

  The specification of a set of Data Primitives for building interactive

∂712     Donnelley  5 Feb 76      A Distributed Capability Computing
                                 System DCCS

  A description of a Distributed Capability based computing system.

∂711	 [??? Omitted from summary?]

∂710	 [??? Omitted from summary?]

∂709	 [??? Omitted from summary?]

∂708     White      5 Jan 76      Elements of a Distributed  Programming

  A description of a Distributed programming system; see also RFC 707.

∂707     White     23 Dec 75      A High-Level Framework for
                                 Network-Based Resource Sharing

  A description of a programming environment for network-based programs;
  see also RFC 708.

∂706     Postel     8 Nov 75      On the Junk Mail Problem

  A short note pointing out that the ARPANET maybe subject to a "denial
  of service" attack by a misbehaving host.

∂705     Bryan      5 Nov 75      Front-End Protocol

  Describes a protocol used between a PDP-11 (the ARPANET front end) and
  a B6700 to support network communication.

∂704     Santos    15 Sep 75      IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol Change

  Describes the changes to the 1822 interface to eliminate the
  restriction of 63 IMPs.

∂703     Dodds     11 Jul 75      Survey of New-Protocol Telnet Servers

  A poll of Telnet servers to check implementation status and Telnet
  options.  Updates RFCs 702, 701, 679 and 669.

∂702     Dodds     25 Sep 74      Survey of New-Protocol Telnet Servers

  An earlier poll of Telnet server implementation status; see also
  RFC's703, 701, 679, and 669.

∂701     Dodds        Aug 74      Survey of New-Protocol Telnet Servers

  An earlier poll of Telnet server implementation status; see also RFCs
  703, 702, 679 and 669.

∂700     Mader        Aug 74       A Protocol Experiment

  Describes a protocol based loosely on a very early version of TCP,
  used to send data to a printer server.
RFC     Author       Date        Title (699:600)
---     ------    ---------      -----

∂699     Postel    10 Nov 82      Requests for Comments Summary
                                 Notes:  600-699

  This summary.

∂698     Tovar     23 Jul 75      Telnet Extended ASCII Option

  Describes an option to allow transmission of a special kind of
  extended ASCII used at the Stanford AI and MIT AI Labs.

∂697     Lieb      14 Jul 75      CWD Command of FTP

  Discusses FTP login access to "files only" directories.

∂696     Cerf      17 Jul 75      Comments on the IMP/HOST and
                                 HOST/IMP Protocol Changes

  Observations on current international standards recommendations from
  IFIP working group 6.1; see also RFCs 692, 690 687.

∂695   Krilanovich 5  Jul 75      Official Change in  Host-Host Protocol

  Corrects ambiguity concerning the ERR command; changes NIC 8246 and
  NIC 7104.

∂694     Postel    18 Jun 75      Protocol Information

  References to documents and contacts concerning the various protocols
  used in the ARPANET, as well as recent developments; updates RFC 661.

∂693     Not Issued

∂692     Wolfe     20 Jun 75      Comments on IMP/Host Protocol Changes

  A proposed solution to the problem of combined length of IMP and Host
  leaders; see also RFCs 696, 690 and 687.

∂691     Harvey    28 May 75      One More Try on the FTP

  Slight revision of RFC 686, on the subject of print files; see also
  RFCs 640, 630, 542, 454, 448, 414, 385 and 354.

∂690     Postel     6 Jun 75      Comments on the proposed Host/IMP
                                 Protocol Changes

  Comments on suggestions in RFC 687; see also RFCs 692 and 696.

∂689     Clements  23 May 75      TENEX NCP Finite State Machine for

  Describes the internal states of an NCP connection in the TENEX

∂688     Walden     4 Jun 75      Tentative Schedule for the New TELNET
                                 Implementation for the TIP

∂687     Walden     2 Jun 75      IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol Changes

  Addressing hosts on more than 63 IMPs, and other backwards compatible
  expansions; see also RFCs 690 and 692.

∂686     Harvey    10 May 75      Leaving Well Enough Alone

  Discusses difference between early and later versions of FTP; see also
  RFCs 691, 640, 630, 542, 454, 448, 414, 385 and 354.

∂685     Beeler    16 Apr 75      Response Time in Cross-network

  The contribution of ARPANET communication to response time.

∂684     Schantz   15 Apr 75      A Commentary on Procedure Calling as a
                                 Network Protocol

  Issues in designing distributed computing systems.  Shortcomings of
  RFC 674; see also RFCs 542 and 354.

∂683     Clements   3 Apr 75      FTPSRV -- TENEX Extension for Paged

  Defines an extension to FTP for page-mode transfers between TENEX
  systems; also discusses file transfer reliability.

∂682     Not Issued

∂681     Holmgren  14 May 75      Network Unix

  Capabilities as an ARPANET Mini-Host:  standard I/O, Telnet, NCP,
  Hardware/Software requirements, reliability, availability.

∂680     Myer      30 Apr 75      Message Transmission Protocol

  Extends message field definition beyond RFC 561 attempts to establish
  syntactic and semantic standards for ARPANET; see also RFCs 733 and

∂679     Dodds     21 Feb 75      February, 1975, Survey of  New-Protocol
                                 Telnet Servers

  An earlier poll of Telnet server implementation status.  Updates RFCs
  701, 702 and 669; see also RFC 703.

∂678     Postel    18 Dec 74      Standard File Formats

  For transmission of documents across different environments.

∂677     Johnson   27 Jan 75      The Maintenance of Duplicate Databases

∂676     Not Issued

∂675     Cerf      16 Dec 74      Specification of Internet Transmission
                                 Control Program

  The first detailed specification of TCP; see RFC 793.

∂674     Postel    12 DEC 74      Procedure Call Documents--Version 2

  Host level protocol used in the NSW--a slightly constrained version of
  ARPANET Host-to-Host protocol, affecting allocation, RFNM wait, and
  retransmission; see also RFC 684.

∂673     Not Issued

∂672     Schantz    6 Dec 74      A Multi-Site Data Collection Facility

  Applicability of TIP/TENEX protocols beyond TIP accounting.

∂671     Schantz    6 Dec 74      A Note on Reconnection Protocol

  Experience with implementation in RSEXEC context.

∂670     Not Issued

∂669     Dodds      4 Dec 74      November 1974, Survey of New-Protocol
                                 Telnet Servers

  An earlier poll of Telnet server implementation status. Updates RFC
  702; see also RFCs 703 and 679.

∂668     Not Issued

∂667     Chipman      Dec 74      BBN Host Ports

  Approved scheme to connect host ports to the network.

∂666     Padlipsky 26 Nov 74      Specification of the Unified User-Level

  Discusses and proposes a common command language.

∂665     Not Issued

∂664     Not Issued

∂663     Kanodia   29 Nov 74      A Lost Message Detection and Recovery

  Proposed extension of host-host protocol; see also RFCs 534, 516, 512,
  492 and 467.

∂662     Kanodia   26 Nov 74      Performance Improvement in ARPANET File
                                 Transfers from Multics

  Experimenting with host output buffers to improve throughput.

∂661     Postel    23 Nov 74      Protocol Information

  An old version; see RFC 694.

∂660     Walden    23 Oct 74      Some Changes to the IMP and the
                                 IMP/Host Interface

  Decoupling of message number sequences of hosts; host-host access
  control; message number window; messages outside normal mechanism; see
  also BBN 1822.

∂659     Postel    18 Oct 74      Announcing Additional Telnet Options

  Options defined in RFCs 651-658.

∂658     Crocker   25 Oct 74      Telnet Output Line Feed Disposition

∂657     Crocker   25 Oct 74      Telnet Output Vertical Tab Disposition

∂656     Crocker   25 Oct 74      Telnet Output Vertical Tab Stops Option

∂655     Crocker   25 Oct 74      Telnet Output Form Feed Disposition

∂654     Crocker   25 Oct 74      Telnet Output Horizontal Tab
                                 Disposition Option

∂653     Crocker   25 Oct 74      Telnet Output Horizontal Tab Stops

∂652     Crocker   25 Oct 74      Telnet Output Carriage Return
                                 Disposition Option

∂651     Crocker   25 Oct 74      Revised Telnet Status Option

∂650     Not Issued

∂649     Not Issued

∂648     Not Issued

∂647     Padlipsky 12 Nov 74      A Proposed Protocol for Connecting Host
                                 Computers to ARPA-Like Networks via
                                 Front End Processors

  Approaches to Front-End protocol processing using available hardware
  and software.

∂646     Not Issued

∂645     Crocker   26 Jun 74      Network Standard Data Specification

  Providing a mechanism for specifying all attributes of a collection of
  bits; see also RFC 615.

∂644     Thomas    22 Jul 74      On The Problem of Signature
                                 Authentication for Network Mail

∂643     Mader      5 Jul 74      Network Debugging Protocol

  To be used in an implementation of a PDP-11 network bootstrap device
  and a cross-network debugger.

∂642     Burchfiel  5 Jul 74      Ready Line Philosophy and

∂641     Not Issued

∂640     Postel     5 Jun 74      Revised FTP Reply Codes

  Updates RFC 542.

∂639     Not Issued

∂638     McKenzie  25 Apr 74      IMP/TIP Preventive Maintenance Schedule

  Corrects RFC 633.

∂637     McKenzie  23 Apr 74      Change of Network Address for SU-DSL

∂636     Burchfiel 10 Jun 74      TIP/TENEX Reliability Improvements

  Obtaining/maintaining connections; recovery from lost connections;
  connection-state changes.

∂635     Cerf      22 Apr 74      An Assessment of ARPANET Protocols

  Theoretical and practical motivation for redesign.  Multipacket
  messages; host retransmission; duplicate detection; sequencing;

∂634     McKenzie  10 Apr 74      Change in Network Address for Haskins

∂633     McKenzie  18 Mar 74      IMP/TIP Preventive Maintenance Schedule

  An old version; see RFC 638.

∂632     Opderbeck 20 May 74      Throughput Degradations for Single
                                 Packet Messages

∂631     Danthine  17 Apr 74      Call for Papers:  International Meeting
                                 on Minicomputers and Data Communication

∂630     Sussman   10 Apr 74      FTP Error Code Usage for More Reliable
                                 Mail Service

  Describes FTP reply-code usage in TENEX mail processing.

∂629     North     27 Mar 74      Scenario for Using the  Network Journal

∂628     Keeney    27 Mar 74      Status of RFC Numbers and a Note on
                                 Pre-assigned Journal Numbers

∂627     Feinler   25 Mar 74      ASCII Text File of Hostnames

  See also RFCs 606, 608, 623 and 625.

∂626     Kleinrock 14 Mar 74      On a possible Lockup Condition in Imp
                                 Subnet due to Message Sequencing

∂625     Feinler    7 Mar 74      On Line Hostnames Service

  See also RFCs 606, 608, 623 and 627.

∂624   Krilanovich 28 Feb 74      Comments on the File Transfer Protocol

  Design changes and slight modifications.  Replaces RFC 607; see also
  RFCs 614, 542 and 640.

∂623   Krilanovich 22 Feb 74      Comments on On-Line Host Name Service

  See also RFCs 627, 625, 608 and 606.

∂622     McKenzie  13 Mar 74      Scheduling IMP/TIP Down Time

  Modification of previous policy.

∂621     Kudlick    6 Mar 74      NIC User Directories at SRI-ARC

  See also RFCs 620 and 609.

∂620     Ferguson   1 Mar 74      Request for Monitor Host Table Updates

  In conjunction with moving NIC users to OFFICE-1; see also RFCs 621
  and 609.

∂619     Naylor     7 Mar 74      Mean Round-Trip Times in the ARPANET

  Actual measurements of round-trip times.

∂618     Taft      19 Feb 74      A Few Observations on NCP Statistics

  Distribution of NCP and IMP message types by actual measurement.

∂617     Taft      19 Feb 74      A Note on Socket Number Assignment

  Danger of imposing more fixed socket number requirements; see also
  RFCs 542, 503 and 451.

∂616     Walden    11 Feb 74      Latest Network Maps

∂615     Crocker    1 Mar 74      Proposed Network Standard Data Pathname

∂614     Pogran    28 Jan 74      Response to RFC 607 (NIC-21255),
                                 "Comments on the FTP"

  See also RFCs 624, 542 and 640.

∂613     McKenzie  21 Jan 74   Network Connectivity: A Response to RFC603

∂612     McKenzie  16 Jan 74      Traffic Statistics Dec. 1973

∂611     Walden    14 Feb 74      Two Changes to the IMP/Host Protocol

  Expansion of Host-Going-Down and addition of Dead-Host-Status Message.

∂610     Winter    15 Dec 73      Further Datalanguage Design Concepts

  Preliminary results of the language design; a model for data languagea
  semantics; future considerations.

∂609     Ferguson  10 Jan 74      Statement of Upcoming Move of NIC/NLS

  See also RFCs 621 and 620.

∂608     Feinler   10 Jan 73      Host Names On-Line

  Response to RFC 606; see also RFCs 627, 625 and 623.

∂607   Krilanovich 7 Jan 73       NIC-21255 Comments on the File
                                 Transfer Protocol

  An old version; see RFC 624; see also RFCs 614, 542 and 640.

∂606     Deutsch   29 Dec 73      Host Names On-Line

  Resolving differences in hostname-address mappings; see also RFCs 627,
  625, 623 and 608.

∂605     Not Issued

∂604     Postel    26 Dec 73      Assigned Link Numbers

  Modifies official host-host protocol.  Replaces RFC 377.

∂603     Burchfiel 31 Dec 73      Response to RFC 597: Host Status

  Questions about the ARPANET topology described in RFC 597.

∂602     Metcalfe  27 Dec 73      "The Stockings Were Hung by the Chimney
                                 With Care"

  Susceptibility of ARPANET to security violations.

∂601     McKenzie  14 Dec 73      Traffic Statistics November 1973

∂600     Berggreen 26 Nov 73      Interfacing an Illinois Plasma Terminal
                                 to the ARPANET

  Discusses some unusual interface issues for the Plato terminal.

RFC  NIC number      Date      Author	   Title (599:500)
---  ---------    ---------    ------	   ---------------
599  NIC-20854    13 Dec 73    Braden      Update on NETRJS
598  NIC-20853     5 Dec 73    NICSTA      RF Index - December 5, 1973
597  NIC-20826    12 Dec 73    Neigus      Host Status
596  NIC-20812     8 Dec 73    Taft        Second Thoughts On TELNET Go-Ahead
595  NIC-20617    12 Dec 73    Hathaway    Second Thoughts in Defense of the
						TELNET Go-Ahead
594  NIC-20616    10 Dec 73    Burchfiel   Speedup of Host-Imp Interface
593  NIC-20615    29 Nov 73    McKenzie    TELNET and FTP Implementation 
						Schedule Change
592  NIC-20391    20 Nov 73    Watson      Some Thoughts on System Design to
						Facilitate Resource Sharing
591  NIC-20327    29 Nov 73    Walden      Addition to the Very Distant Host
590  NIC-20326    19 Nov 73    Padlipsky   MULTICS Address Change
589  NIC-20268    26 Nov 73    Braden      CCN NETRJS Server Message to 
						Remote User                      
588  NIC-20217    29 Oct 73    Stokes      London Node Is Now Up
587  NIC-20198    13 Nov 73    Postel      Announcing New TELNET Options
586  NIC-20096     8 Nov 73    McKenzie    Traffic Statistics (October 1973)
585  NIC-20050     6 Nov 73    Crocker     ARPANET Users Interest Working 
						Group Meeting
584  NIC-20049     6 Nov 73    Iseli       Charter for ARPANET Users 
						Interest Working Group
583  Not Issued
582  NIC-19962     5 Nov 73    Clements    Comments on RFC 580 - Machine 
						Readable Protocols
581  NIC-19860     2 Nov 73    Crocker     Corrections to RFC 560, 18492, 
						Remote controlled Transmission
						and Echoing Telnet Option
580  NIC-19849    25 Oct 73    Postel      Note to Protocol Designers and 
579  NIC-19655    15 Oct 73    McKenzie    Traffic Statistics (September 1973) 
578  NIC-19501     8 Oct 73    Bhushan     Using MIT-MATHLAB MACSYMA from 
						MIT-DMS Muddle 
577  NIC-19356    18 Oct 73    Crocker     Mail Priority
576  NIC-19324    26 Sep 73    Victor      Proposal for Modifying Linking
575  Not Issued
574  NIC-19144    26 Sep 73    Krilanovich Announcement of a Mail Facility at UCSB
573  NIC-19083    14 Sep 73    Bhushan     Data and File Transfer - Some 
						Measurement Results
572  Not Issued
571  NIC-18974    15 Nov 73    Braden      TENEX FTP Problem
570  NIC-18973    30 Oct 73    Pickens     Experimental Input Mapping 
						Between NVT ASCII and UCSB
						Online System
569  NIC-18972    15 Oct 73    Padlipsky   NETED:  A Common Editor for the 
						ARPA Network
568  NIC-18971    18 Sep 73    McQuillan   Response to RFC 567 - 
						Cross-Country Network Bandwidth
567  NIC-18970     6 Sep 73    Deutsch     Cross-Country Network Bandwidth
566  NIC-18801     4 Sep 73    McKenzie    Traffic Statistics (August 1973) 
565  NIC-18777    28 Aug 73    Cantor      Storing Network Survey Data at 
						the Datacomputer
564  Not Issued
563  NIC-18775    28 Aug 73    Davidson    Comments on the RCTE TELNET 
562  NIC-18638    28 Aug 73    McKenzie    Modifications to the TELNET 
561  NIC-18516     5 Sep 73    Bhushan     Standardizing Network Mail Headers
560  NIC-18492    20 Aug 73    Crocker     Remote Controlled Transmission 
						and Echoing TELNET Option
559  NIC-18482    15 Aug 73    Bhushan     Comments on the New TELNET 
						Protocol and Its Implementation
558  Not Issued
557  NIC-18457    30 Aug 73    Wessler     Revelations in Network Host 
556  NIC-18376    13 Aug 73    McKenzie    Traffic Statistics (July 1973)
555  NIC-17993    27 Jul 73    White       Responses to Critiques of the 
						Proposal Mail Protocol
554  Not Issued
553  NIC-17810    14 Jul 73    Irby        Draft Design for a Text/Graphics 
552  NIC-17809    13 Jul 73    Owen        Single Access to Standard 
551  NIC-17797    27 Aug 73    Feinroth    (Re: NYU, ANL, and LBL Entering 
						Net, and FTP Protocol)
550  NIC-17796    24 Aug 73    Deutsch     NIC NCP Experiment
549  NIC-17795       Jul 73    Michener    Minutes of Network Graphics Group
						Meeting, 15-17 July 1973
548  NIC-17794    16 Aug 73    Walden      Hosts Using the IMP Going Down 
547  NIC-17793    13 Aug 73    Walden      Change to the Very Distant Host 
546  NIC-17792    10 Aug 73    Thomas      TENEX Load Averages for July 1973
545  NIC-17791    23 Jul 73    Pickens     Of What Quality Be the UCSB 
						Resources Evaluators 
544  NIC-17782    13 Jul 73    Meyer       Locating ON-Line Documentation at
543  NIC-17777    13 Jul 73    Meyer       Network Journal Submission and 
542  NIC-17759    12 Jul 73    Neigus      File Transfer Protocol
541  Not Issued
540  Not Issued
539  NIC-17644     7 Jul 73    Crocker     Thoughts on the MAIL Protocol 
						Proposed in RFC 524
538  NIC-17642     5 Jul 73    McKenzie    Traffic Statistics (June 1973) 
537  NIC-17498    27 Jun 73    Bunch       Announcement of NGG Meeting July 
536  Not Issued
535  NIC-17454    25 Jul 73    Thomas      Comments on File Access Protocol
534  NIC-17453    17 Jul 73    Walden      Lost Message Detection
533  NIC-17452    17 Jul 73    Walden      Message-ID Numbers
532  NIC-17451    12 Jul 73    Merryman    The UCSD-CC Server-FTP Facility
531  NIC-17450    26 Jun 73    Padlipsky   Feast or Famine? A Response to 
						Two Recent RFC's About Network Information
530  NIC-17375    22 Jun 73    Bhushan     A Report on the Survey Project 
529  NIC-17165    29 Jun 73    McKenzie    A Note on Protocol Synch 
528  NIC-17164    20 Jun 73    McQuillan   Software Checksumming in the Imp 
						and Network Reliability
527  NIC-17163    25 Jun 73    Merryman    ARPAWOCKY
526  NIC-17162    25 Jun 73    Pratt       Technical Meeting-Digital Image 
						Processing Software Systems
525  NIC-17161     1 Jun 73    Parrish     MIT-Mathlab Meets UCSB-OLS - An 
						Example of Resource Sharing
524  NIC-17140    13 Jun 73    White       A Proposed Mail Protocol
523  NIC-17048     5 Jun 73    Bhushan     SURVEY is in Operation Again
522  NIC-17033     5 Jun 73    McKenzie    Traffic Statistics (May 1973) 
521  NIC-16855    30 May 73    McKenzie    Restricted Use of IMP DDT
520  NIC-16819    25 Jun 73    Day         Memo to FTP Group (Proposal for 
						File Access Protocol)
519  NIC-16818       Jun 73    Pickens     Resource Evaluation
518  NIC-16817    19 Jun 73    Vaughan     ARPANET Accounts
517  Not Issued
516  NIC-16693    18 May 73    Postel      Lost Message Detection
515  NIC-16446     6 Jun 73    Winter      Specifications for Datalanguage, 
						Version 0/9
514  NIC-16445     5 Jun 73    Kantrowitz  Network Make-Work
513  NIC-16444    30 May 73    Hathaway    Comments on the New TELNET 
512  NIC-16443    25 May 73    Hathaway    More on Lost Message Detection
511  NIC-16442    23 May 73    North       Enterprise Phone Service to NIC 
						From ARPANET Sites
510  NIC-16400    30 May 73    White       Request for Network Mailbox 
509  NIC-16294     7 May 73    McKenzie    Traffic Statistics (April 1973) 
508  NIC-16159     7 May 73    Pfeifer     Real-Time Data Transmission on 
						the ARPANET
507  NIC-16158   (Not Issued)
506  NIC-16157    26 Jun 73    Padlipsky   An FTP Command-Naming Problem
505  NIC-16156    25 Jun 73    Padlipsky   Two Solutions to a File Transfer 
						Access Problem
504  NIC-16155    30 Apr 73    Thomas      Distributed Resources Workshop 
503  NIC-15747    12 Apr 73    Neigus      Socket Number List
502  Not Issued
501  NIC-15718    11 May 73    Pogran      Un-Muddling "Free File Transfer"
500  NIC-15717    16 Apr 73    Shoshani    The Integration of Data Management
						Systems on a Computer Network
RFC  NIC number      Date      Author	   Title (499:400)
---  ---------    ---------    ------	   ---------------
499  NIC-11576     1 Apr 73    Reussow     Harvard's Network RJE
498  NIC-15715    17 Apr 73    Braden      On MAIL Service to CCN
497  NIC-15651    10 Apr 73    McKenzie    Traffic Statistics (March 1973) 
496  NIC-15496     5 Apr 73    Auerbach    A TNLS Quick Reference Card is 
495  NIC-15371     1 May 73    McKenzie    TELNET Protocol Specifications
495  NIC-15371     1 May 73    McKenzie    TELNET Protocol Specifications
494  NIC-15359    20 Apr 73    Walden      Availability of MIX and MIXAL in 
						the Network
493  NIC-15358    26 Apr 73    Michener    Graphics Protocol
492  NIC-15357    18 Apr 73    Meyer       Response to RFC 467
491  NIC-15356    12 Apr 73    Padlispsky  What is "Free"?
490  NIC-15355     6 Mar 73    Pickens     Surrogate RJS for UCLA-CCN
489  NIC-15298    26 Mar 73    Postel      Comment on Resynchronization of 
						Connection Status Proposal
488  NIC-15266    23 Mar 73    Auerbach    NLS Classes at Network Sites
487  NIC-15065     6 Apr 73    Bressler    Free File Transfer
486  NIC-15064    20 Mar 73    Bressler    Data Transfer Revisited
485  NIC-15063    19 Mar 73    Pickens     Mix and Mixal at UCSB
484  Not Issued
483  NIC-15061    14 Mar 73    Kudlick     Cancellation of the Resource 
						Notebook Framework Meeting
482  NIC-14966    12 Mar 73    McKenzie    Traffic Statistics (February 
481  Not Issued
480  NIC-14949     8 Mar 73    White       Host-Dependent FTP Parameters
479  NIC-14948     8 Mar 73    White       Use of FTP by the NIC Journal
478  NIC-14947    26 Mar 73    Bressler    FTP Server-Server Interaction - 
477  NIC-14922    23 May 73    Krilanovich Remote Job Service at UCSB
476  NIC-14920     7 Mar 73    McKenzie    IMP/TIP Memory Retrofit Schedule 
						(Rev. 2) 
475  NIC-14919     6 Mar 73    Bhushan     FTP and Network Mail System
474  NIC-14905       Mar 73    Bunch       Announcement of NGWG Meeting, 
						Call for Papers
473  NIC-14811    28 Feb 73    Walden      MIX and MIXAL?
472  NIC-14801       Mar 73    Bunch       Illinois' Reply to Maxwell's 
						Request for Graphics Information (NIC 14925)
471  NIC-14800    13 Mar 73    Thomas      Workshop on Multi-Site Executive 
470  NIC-14799    13 Mar 73    Thomas      Change in Socket for TIP News 
469  NIC-14798     8 Mar 73    Kudlick     Network Mail Meeting Summary
468  NIC-14742     8 Mar 73    Braden      FTP Data Compression
467  NIC-14741    20 Feb 73    Burchfiel   Proposed Change to Host-Host 
						Protocol Resynchronization of Connection Status
466  NIC-14740    27 Feb 73    Winett      TELNET Logger/Server for Host 
465  (not issued)
464  NIC-14738    27 Feb 73    Kudlick     Resource Notebook Framework
463  NIC-14573    21 Feb 73    Bhushan     FTP Comments and Response to RFC 
462  NIC-14434    22 Feb 73    Iseli       Responding to User Needs
461  NIC-14416    14 Feb 73    McKenzie    TELNET Protocol Meeting 
460  NIC-14415    13 Feb 73    Kline       NCP Survey
459  NIC-14379    26 Feb 73    Kantrowitz  Network Questionnaires
458  NIC-14378    20 Feb 73    Bressler    Mail Retrieval via FTP
457  NIC-14377    15 Feb 73    Walden      TIPUG (Notes Distribution List)
456  NIC-14376    13 Feb 73    Kudlick     Memorandum:  (Date Change of Mail
455  NIC-14375    12 Feb 73    McKenzie    Traffic Statistics (January 1973)
454  NIC-14333    16 Feb 73    McKenzie    File Transfer Protocol - Meeting 
						Announcement and a New Proposed Document
453  NIC-14317     7 Feb 73    Kudlick     Meeting Announcement to Discuss a
						Network Mail System 
452  NIC-14136     8 Feb 73    Winnett     TELNET Command at Host LL
451  NIC-14135    22 Feb 73    Padlispsky  Tentative Proposal for a Unified 
						User Level Protocol
450  NIC-14134     8 Feb 73    Padlipsky   MULTICS Sampling Timeout Change
449  NIC-14133     6 Jan 73    Walden      The Current Flow-Control Scheme 
						for IMPSYS (Updates 13774)
448  NIC-14132    27 Feb 73    Braden      Print Files in FTP 
447  NIC-14104    29 Jan 73    McKenzie    IMP/TIP Memory Retrofit Schedule 
446  NIC-14068    25 Jan 73    Deutsch     Proposal to Consider a Network 
						Program Resource Notebook
445  NIC-14028    22 Jan 73    McKenzie    IMP/TIP Preventive Maintenance 
444  Not Issued
443  NIC-13899    18 Jan 73    McKenzie    Traffic Statistics (December 1972
442  NIC-13774    24 Jan 73    Cerf        The Current Flow-Control Scheme 
						for IMPSYS
441  NIC-13773    19 Jan 73    Bressler    Inter-Entity Communication - An 
440  NIC-13772    29 Jan 73    Walden      Scheduled Network Software 
439  NIC-13771    21 Jan 73    Cerf        PARRY Encounters the DOCTOR
438  NIC-13770    15 Jan 73    Thomas      FTP Server-Server Interaction
437  NIC-13701    30 Jun 73    Faeh        Data Reconfiguration Service at 
436  NIC-13700    10 Jan 73    Krilanovich Announcement of RJS at UCSB
435  NIC-13675     5 Jan 73    Cosell      TELNET Issues
434  NIC-13658     4 Jan 73    McKenzie    IMP/TIP Memory Retrofit Schedule 
433  NIC-13491    22 Dec 72    Postel      Socket Number List
432  NIC-13490    29 Dec 72    Neigus      Network Logical Map
431  NIC-13300    15 Dec 72    Krilanovich Update on SMFS Login and Logout
430  NIC-13299     7 Feb 73    Braden      Comments on File Transfer 
429  NIC-13281    12 Dec 72    Postel      Character Generator Process
428  Not Issued
427  Not Issued
426  NIC-13011    26 Jan 73    Thomas      Reconnection Protocol
425  NIC-13010    19 Dec 72    Bressler    "But My NCP Costs $500 a Day"
424  Not Issued
423  NIC-13008    12 Dec 72    Noble       UCLA Campus Computing Network 
						Liaison Staff for ARPANET
422  NIC-13007    11 Dec 72    McKenzie    Traffic Statistics (November 
421  NIC-12897    27 Nov 72    McKenzie    A Software Consulting Service for
						Network Users
420  NIC-12764     4 Jan 73    Murray      CCA ICCC Weather Demo
419  NIC-12763    12 Dec 72    Vezza       To:  Network Liaisons and Station
418  NIC-12762    27 Nov 72    Hathaway    Server File Transfer Under 
						TSS/NIC-360 at NASA-AMES
417  NIC-12574     6 Nov 72    Postel      Link Usage Violation
416  NIC-12542     7 Nov 72    Norton      The ARC System Will Be 
						Unavailable for Use During Thanksgiving Week
415  NIC-12407    29 Nov 72    Murray      TENEX Bandwidth
414  NIC-12406    29 Nov 72    Bhushan     File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 
						Status and Further Comments (Updates 10596 and 11357)
413  NIC-12405    13 Nov 72    McKenzie    Traffic Statistics (October 1972)
412  NIC-12404    27 Nov 72    Hicks       User FTP Documentation
411  NIC-12403    14 Nov 72    Padlipsky   New MULTICS Network Software 
410  NIC-12402    10 Nov 72    McQuillan   Removal of the NIC-30-Second 
						Delay When Hosts Come Up
409  NIC-12401     6 Dec 72    White       TENEX Interface to USCB's 
						Simple-Minded File System
408  NIC-12390    25 Oct 72    Owen        NETBANK
407  NIC-12112    16 Oct 72    Bressler    Remote Job Entry Protocol
406  NIC-12111    10 Oct 72    McQuillan   Scheduled IMP Software Releases
405  NIC-12110    10 Oct 72    McKenzie    Correction to RFC 404 (12068)
404  NIC-12068     5 Oct 72    McKenzie    Host Address Changes Involving 
						RAND and ISI
403  NIC-11925    10 Jan 73    Hicks       Desirability of a Network 1108 
402  NIC-11924    26 Oct 72    North       ARPA Network Mailing Lists
401  NIC-11923    23 Oct 72    Hansen      Conversion of NGP-O Coordinates 
						to Device Specific Co-ordinates
400  NIC-11922    18 Oct 72    McKenzie    Traffic Statistics (Sept 1972)
RFC  NIC number      Date      Author	   Title (399:300)
---  ---------    ---------    ------	   ---------------
399  NIC-11917    26 Sep 72    Krilanovich SMFS Login and Logout
398  NIC-11911    22 Sep 72    Pickens     ICP Sockets
397  Not Issued
396  NIC-11796    13 Nov 73    Bunch       Network Graphics Working Group 
						Meeting - Second Iteration
395  NIC-11587     3 Oct 72    McQuillan   Switch Settings on IMPS and TIPS
394  NIC-11586    27 Sep 72    McQuillan   Two Proposed Changes to the 
						IMP-HOST Protocol
393  NIC-11585     3 Oct 72    Winett      Comments on TELNET Protocol 
392  NIC-11584    20 Sep 72    Hicks       Measurement of Host Costs for 
						Transmitting Network Data
391  NIC-11583    15 Sep 72    McKenzie    Traffic Statistics (August 1972) 
						(Updates 11120)
390  NIC-11582    12 Sep 72    Braden      TSO Scenario
389  NIC-11361    30 Aug 72    Noble       UCLA Campus Computing Network 
						Liaison Staff for ARPA Network (Updates 10264)
388  NIC-11360    23 Aug 72    Cerf        NCP Statistics (Updates 9630)
387  NIC-11359    10 Aug 72    Kelley      Some Experience in Implementing 
						Network Graphics Protocol Level O
386  NIC-11358    16 Aug 72    Cosell      Letter to Tip Users -- 2
385  NIC-11357    18 Aug 72    Bhushan     Comments on the File Transfer 
						Protocol (Updates RFC 354)
384  NIC-11356    28 Aug 72    North       Official Site Idents for 
						Organization in the ARPA Network (Obsoletes 8295)
383  Not Issued
382  NIC-11122     3 Aug 72    McDaniel    Mathematical Software on the ARPA
381  NIC-11151    26 Jul 72    McQuillan   Three Aids To Improved Network 
380  Not Issued
379  NIC-11121    11 Aug 72    Braden      Using TSO at CCN
378  NIC-11120    10 Aug 72    McKenzie    Traffic Statistics (July 1972)
377  NIC-11119    10 Aug 72    Braden      Using TSO via ARPA Network 
						Virtual Terminal
376  NIC-11118     8 Aug 72    Westheimer  Network Host Status (Updates 
375  Not Issued
374  NIC-11099    19 Jul 72    McKenzie    IMP System Announcement
373  NIC-11058    14 Jul 72    McCarthy    Arbitrary Character Sets
372  NIC-11022    12 Jul 72    Watson      Notes on a Conversation with Bob 
						Kahn on the ICCC
371  NIC-11020    12 Jul 72    Kahn        Demonstration at International 
						Computer Communications Conference
370  NIC-11017    31 Jul 72    Westheimer  Network Host Status (Updates 
369  NIC-11016    25 Jul 72    Pickens     Evaluation of ARPANET Services 
						January - March, 1972
368  NIC-11015    21 Jul 72    Braden      Comments on "Proposed Remote Job 
						Entry Protocol"
367  NIC-11014    19 Jul 72    Westheimer  Network Host Status (Updates 
366  NIC-11013    11 Jul 72    Westheimer  Network Host Status (Updates 
365  NIC-10607    11 Jul 72    Walden      A Letter to All TIP Users
364  NIC-10606    11 Jul 72    Abrams      Serving Remote Users on the 
363  NIC-10605     8 Aug 72    NICSTA      ARPA Network Mailing Lists
362  NIC-10604    28 Jun 72    Westheimer  Network Host Status (Updates 
361  NIC-10603     5 Jul 72    Bressler    (Deamon Processes on Host 106)
360  NIC-10602    24 Jun 72    Holland     Proposed Remote Job Entry 
359  NIC-10601    22 Jun 72    Walden      The Status of the Release of the 
						new IMP System (2600)
358  Not Issued
357  NIC-10599    26 Jun 72    Davidson    An Echoing Strategy For Satellite
356  NIC-10598    21 Jun 72    Alter       ARPA Network Control Center
355  NIC-10597     9 Jun 72    Davidson    Response to NWG/RFC 346
354  NIC-10596     8 Jul 72    Bhushan     The File Transfer Protocol
353  NIC-10595    12 Jun 72    Westheimer  Network Host Status (Updated by 
						10604; Updates 10423)
352  NIC-10594     5 Jun 72    Crocker     TIP Site Information Form
351  NIC-10593     5 Jun 72    Crocker     Graphics Information form for the
						ARPANET Graphics Resources Notebook
350  NIC-10549    18 May 72    Stoughton   User Accounts for UCSB On-Line 
349  NIC-10428    30 May 72    Postel      Proposed Standard Socket Numbers
348  NIC-10427    30 May 72    Postel      Discard Process
347  NIC-10426    30 May 72    Postel      Echo Process
346  NIC-10425    30 May 72    Postel      Satellite Considerations
345  NIC-10424    26 May 72    Kelley      Interest in Mixed Integer 
						Programming (MPSX on NIC-360/91 at CCN)
344  NIC-10423    22 May 72    Westheimer  Network Host Status (Updates 
343  NIC-10422    19 May 72    McKenzie    IMP System Change Notification 
						(Obsoletes 9924)
342  NIC-10421    15 May 72    Westheimer  Network Host Status (Updates 
						9925; Updated by 10423)
341  Not Issued
340  NIC-9933    15 May 72    O'Sullivan   Proposed TELNET Changes
339  NIC-9932     5 May 72    Thomas       MLTNET - a "Multi-Telnet" 
						Subsystem for TENEX
338  NIC-9931    17 May 72    Braden       EBCDIC/ASCII Mapping for Network 
337  Not Issued
336  NIC-9929     5 May 72    Cotton       Level O Graphic Input Protocol
335  NIC-9928     1 May 72    Bryan        New Interface-IMP/360
334  NIC-9927     1 May 72    McKenzie     Network Use on May 8
333  NIC-9926    15 May 72    Bressler     A Proposed Experiment with a 
						Message Switching Protocol
332  NIC-9925    25 Apr 72    Westheimer   Network Host Status (Updates 
						9923; Updated by 10421)
331  NIC-9924    19 Apr 72    McQuillan    IMP System Change Notification 
						(Obsoleted by 10422)
330  NIC-9923    13 Apr 72    Westheimer   Network Host Status (Updates 
						9633; Updated by 9925)
329  NIC-9636    17 May 72    NIC          ARPA Network Mailing Lists 
						(Obsoletes 9075)
328  NIC-9635    29 Apr 72    Postel       Suggested Telnet Protocol Changes
327  NIC-9634    27 Apr 72    Bhushan      Data and File Transfer Workshop 
326  NIC-9633     3 Apr 72    Westheimer   Network Host Status (Updates 
						9349; Updated by 9923)
325  NIC-9632     6 Apr 72    Hicks        Network Remote Job Entry Program 
						- NETRJS
324  NIC-9631     3 Apr 72    Postel       RJE Protocol Meeting
323  NIC-9630    23 Mar 72    Cerf         Formation of Network Measurement 
						Group (NMG)
322  NIC-9609    26 Mar 72    Cerf         Well Known Socket Numbers
321  NIC-9608    24 Mar 72    Karp         CBI Networking Activity at MITRE
320  NIC-9350    27 Mar 72    Reddy        Workshop on Hard Copy Line 
319  NIC-9349    21 Mar 72    Westheimer   Network Host Status (Updates 
318  NIC-9348     3 Apr 72    Postel       (Obsoletes 6768)
317  NIC-9347    20 Mar 72    Postel       Official HOST-HOST Protocol 
						Modification:  Assigned Link Numbers
316  NIC-9346    24 Feb 72    McKay        ARPA Network Data Management 
						Working Group
315  NIC-9345     8 Mar 72    Westheimer   Network Host Status (Updates 
						9257; Updated by 9349)
314  NIC-9344    14 Mar 72    Cotton       Network Graphics Working Group 
313  NIC-9343     6 Mar 72    O'Sullivan   Computer Based Instruction
312  NIC-9342    22 Mar 72    McKenzie     Proposed Change in IMP-to-Host 
311  NIC-9341    29 Feb 72    Bryan        New Console Attachments to the 
						USCB Host
310  NIC-9261     3 Apr 72    Bhushan      Another Look at Data and File 
						Transfer Protocols
309  NIC-9260    17 Mar 72    Bhushan      Data and File Transfer Workshop 
308  NIC-9259    13 Mar 72    Seriff       ARPANET Host Availability Data
307  NIC-9258    24 Feb 72    Harslem      Using Network Remote Job Entry
306  NIC-9257    15 Feb 72    Westheimer   Network Host Status (Updates 
						8486; Updated by 9345)
305  NIC-9078    23 Feb 72    Alter        Unknown Host Numbers
304  NIC-9077    17 Feb 72    McKay        A Data Management System Proposal
						for the ARPA Network
303  NIC-9075    23 Feb 72                   ARPA Network Mailing Lists 
						(Obsoletes 8488)
302  NIC-9074     8 Feb 72    Bryan        Exercising the ARPANET
301  NIC-9073    11 Feb 72    Alter        BBN IMP No. 5 and NCC Schedule 
						March 4, 1971
300  NIC-8488    25 Jan 72    North        ARPA Network Mailing Lists 
						(Obsoleted by 9075)
RFC  NIC number      Date      Author	   Title (299:200)
---  ---------    ---------    ------	   ---------------
299  NIC-8487    11 Feb 72    Hopkin       Information Management System
298  NIC-8486     1 Feb 72    Westheimer   Network Host Status (Updates 
297  NIC-8485    31 Jan 72    Walden       TIP Message Buffers
296  NIC-8484    27 Jan 72    Liddle       DS-1 Display System
295  NIC-8355     2 Jan 72    Postel       Report of the Protocol Workshop, 
						12 October 1971
294  NIC-8304    25 Jan 72    Bhushan      On the Use of "Set Data Type" 
						Transaction in File Transfer Protocol
293  NIC-8303    18 Jan 71    Westheimer   Network Host Status (Updates 
						8274; 8273; 7815)
292  NIC-8302    12 Jan 72    Michener     Graphics Protocol - Level O Only
291  NIC-8301    14 Jan 72    McKay        Data Management Meeting 
290  NIC-8300    11 Jan 72    Mullery      Computer Networks and Data 
						Sharing: A Bibliography (Updates 7673)
289  NIC-8295    21 Dec 71    Watson       What We Hope is an Official List 
						of Host Names
288  NIC-8274     6 Jan 72    Westheimer   Network Host Status (Updates 
						7815; 8273; Updated by 8303)
287  NIC-8273    22 Dec 71    Westheimer   Status of Network Hosts (Updates 
						7815; Updated by 8303; 8274)
286  NIC-8272    21 Dec 71    Forman       Network Library Information 
285  NIC-8271    15 Dec 71    Huff         Network Graphics
284  Not Issued
283  NIC-8165    20 Dec 71    Braden       NETRJT -- Remote Job Service 
						Protocol for TIPS
282  NIC-8164     8 Dec 71    Padlispsky   Graphics Meeting Report
281  NIC-8163     8 Dec 71    McKenzie     A Suggested Addition to File 
						Transfer Protocol
280  NIC-8060    17 Nov 71    Watson       A Draft of Host Names
279  Not Issued
278  NIC-8056    17 Nov 71    Bhushan      Revision of the Mail Box Protocol
						(Obsoletes 7612)
277  Not Issued
276  NIC-7936     8 Nov 71    Watson       NIC Course
275  Not Issued
274  NIC-7901     1 Nov 71    Forman       Establishing A Local Guide for 
						Network Usage
273  NIC-7837    18 Oct 71    Watson       More on Standard Host Names 
						(Obsoletes 7662)
272  Not Issued
271  NIC-7819     3 Jan 72    Cosell       IMP System Change Notifications
270  NIC-7818     1 Jan 72    McKenzie     Correction to BBN Report No. 1822
						(RFC7958) (Updates 7959)
269  NIC-7817     6 Dec 71    Brodie       Some Experience with File 
						Transfer (Updates 5834; 6794; 7663)
268  NIC-7816    24 Nov 71    Postel       Graphics Facilities Information
267  NIC-7815    22 Nov 71    Westheimer   Network Host Status (Updates 
						7814; Updated by 8273; 8274; 8303)
266  NIC-7814     8 Nov 71    Westheimer   Network Host Status (Updates 
						7696; Updated by 7815)
265  NIC-7813    17 Nov 71    Bhushan      The File Transfer Protocol 
264  NIC-7812    15 Nov 71    Bhushan      The Data Transfer Protocol 
						(Obsoletes 6793)
263  NIC-7811    17 Dec 71    McKenzie     "Very Distant" Host Interface
262  Not Issued
261  Not Issued
260  Not Issued
259  Not Issued
258  Not Issued
257  Not Issued
256  NIC-7697     3 Nov 71    Cosell       IMPSYS Change Notification
255  NIC-7696    26 Oct 71    Westheimer   Status of Network Hosts (Updates 
						7693; Updated by 7814)
254  NIC-7695    29 Oct 71    Bhushan      Scenarios for Using ARPANET 
253  NIC-7694    19 Oct 71    Moorer       Second Network Graphics Meeting 
252  NIC-7693     8 Oct 71    Westheimer   Network Host Status (Updates 
						7665; Updated by 7696)
251  NIC-7692    13 Oct 71    Stern        Weather Data
250  NIC-7691     7 Oct 71    Brodie       Some Thoughts of File Transfer
249  NIC-7690     8 Oct 71    Borelli      Coordination of Equipment and 
						Supplies Purchase
248  Not Issued
247  NIC-7688    12 Oct 71    Karp         Proffered Set of Standard Host 
						Names (Obsoletes 7625)
246  NIC-7687     5 Oct 71    Vezza        Network Graphics Meeting
245  NIC-7675     5 Oct 71    Falls        Reservations for Network Group 
244  Not Issued
243  NIC-7673     5 Oct 71    Mullery      Network and Data Sharing 
						Bibliography (Updated by 8300)
242  NIC-7672     1 Jul 71    Haibt        Data Descriptive Language for 
						Shared Data
241  NIC-7671    29 Sep 71    McKenzie     Connecting Computers to MLC Ports
240  NIC-7665    30 Sep 71    McKenzie     Site Status (Updated by 7693; 
						Obsoletes 7652)
239  NIC-7664    23 Sep 71    Braden       Host Mnemonics Proposed in RFC 
						226 (NIC-7625)
238  NIC-7663    29 Sep 71    Braden       Comments ON DTP and FTP Proposals
						(Updates 6793; 6794; Updated by 7817)
237  NIC-7662     7 Oct 71    Watson       The NIC View of Standard Host 
						Names (Obsoleted by 7837)
236  NIC-7661    27 Sep 71    Postel       Standard Host Names (Obsoletes 
235  NIC-7652    27 Sep 71    Westheimer   Site Status (Obsoleted by 7665)
234  NIC-7651     5 Oct 71    Vezza        Network Working Group Meeting 
						Schedule (Updates 7192; 7621)
233  NIC-7650    28 Sep 71    Bhushan      Standardization of Host Call 
232  NIC-7649    23 Sept 71   Vezza        Postponement of Network Graphics 
231  NIC-7648    21 Sep 71    Heafner      Service Center Standards for 
						Remote Usage--A User's View
230  NIC-7647    24 Sep 71    Pyke         Toward Reliable Operation of 
						Minicomputer-Based Terminals on a TIP
229  NIC-7646    22 Sep 71    Postel       Standard Host Names (Obsoleted by
228  NIC-7645    22 Sep 71    Walden       Clarification (Updates 5413)
227  NIC-7631    17 Sep 71    Heafner      Data Transfer Rates (RAND/UCLA) 
						(Updates 5820)
226  NIC-7625    20 Sep 71    Karp         Standardization of Host Mnemonics
						(Obsoleted by 7688)
225  NIC-7624    13 Sep 71    Harslem      RAND/USCB Network Graphics 
						Experiment (Updates 5415)
224  NIC-7623    14 Sep 71    McKenzie     Comments on Mailbox Protocol
223  NIC-7622    14 Sep 71    Melvin       Network Information Center 
						Schedule for Network Users
222  NIC-7621    13 Sep 71    Metcalfe     Subject:  System Programmer's 
						Workshop (Updated by 7651)
221  NIC-7612    27 Aug 71    Watson       A Mail Box Protocol, Version-2 
						(Obsoleted by 8056)
220  Not Issued
219  NIC-7549     3 Sep 71    Winter       User's View of the Datacomputer
218  NIC-7548     8 Sep 71    Cosell       Changing the IMP Status Reporting
217  NIC-7547     8 Sep 71    White        Specifications Changes for OLS, 
						RJE/RJOR, and SMFS (Updates 5775; 5834)
216  NIC-7546     8 Sep 71    White        TELNET Access to UCSB's On-Line 
215  NIC-7545    30 Aug 71    McKenzie     NCP, ICP, and TELNET:  The 
						Terminal IMP Implementation
214  NIC-7195    21 Aug 71    Harslem      Network Checkpoint (Obsoletes 
						7138; 7149)
213  NIC-7194    20 Aug 71    Cosell       IMP System Change Notification
212  NIC-7192    23 Aug 71    Committee    NWG Meeting on Network Usage 
						(Updates 7178; Updated by 7651)
211  NIC-7191    18 Aug 71    North       ARPA Network Mailing Lists 
						(Updated by 8488; Obsoletes 6785)
210  NIC-7189    16 Aug 71    Conrad      Improvement of Flow Control
209  NIC-7187    13 Aug 71    Cosell      Host/Imp Interface Documentation
208  NIC-7181     9 Aug 71    McKenzie    Address Tables
207  NIC-7178     9 Aug 71    Vezza       A September Network Working Group 
						Meeting (Updated by 7192)
206  NIC-7176     9 Aug 71    White       A User Telnet - Description of an 
						Initial Implementation
205  NIC-7172     6 Aug 71    Braden      NETCRT - A Character Display 
204  NIC-7196     5 Aug 71    Postel      Sockets in Use
203  NIC-7168    10 AUg 71    Kalin       Achieving Reliable Communication
202  NIC-7155    26 Jul 71    Wolfe       Possible Deadlock in ICP
201  Not Issued
200  NIC-7152     1 Aug 71    North       RFC List by Number (Obsoleted by 
RFC  NIC number      Date      Author	   Title (199:100)
---  ---------    ---------    ------	   ---------------
199  NIC-7151    15 Jul 71    Williams    Suggestions for a Network 
						Data-Tablet Graphics Protocol
198  NIC-7149    20 Jul 71    Heafner     Site Certification - Lincoln Labs 
						NIC-360/67 (Obsoleted by 7195)
197  NIC-7142    14 Jul 71    Shoshani    Initial Connection 
196  NIC-7141    20 Jul 71    Watson      A Mail Box Protocol (Obsoleted by 
195  NIC-7140    16 Jul 71    Mealy       Data Computers--Data Descriptions 
						and Access Language
194  NIC-7139       Jul 71    Cerf        The Data Reconfiguration Service -
						Compiler/Interpreter Implementation Notes
193  NIC-7138    14 Jul 71    Harslem     Network Checkout (Obsoleted by 
192  NIC-7137    12 Jul 71    Watson      Some Factors Which a Network 
						Graphics Protocol Must Consider
191  NIC-7136    13 Jul 71    Irby        Graphics Implementation and 
						Conceptualization at ARC
190  NIC-7135    13 Jul 71    Deutsch     DEC PDP-10 -- IMLAC Communications
189  NIC-7133    15 Jul 71    Braden      Interim NETRJS Specifications 
						(Obsoletes 5668)
188  NIC-7132    28 Jul 71    Karp        Data Management Meeting 
187  NIC-7131       Jul 71    McKay       A Network/440 Protocol Concept
186  NIC-7130    12 Jul 71    Michener    A Network Graphics Loader
185  NIC-7129     7 Jul 71    North       NIC Distribution of Manuals and 
184  NIC-7128     6 Jul 71    Kelley      Proposed Graphic Display Modes
183  NIC-7127    21 Jul 71    Winett      The EBCDIC Codes and Their Mapping
						to ASCII
182  NIC-7126    25 Jun 71    North       Compilation of List of Relevant 
						Site Reports
181  NIC-7124    27 Jun 71    McConnell   Modifications to RFC 177 (Updates 
180  NIC-7123    25 Jun 71    McKenzie    File System Questionaire
179  NIC-7119    22 Jun 71    McKenzie    Link Number Assignments (Updates 
178  NIC-7118    27 Jun 71    Cotton      Network Graphic Attention Handling
177  NIC-7102    15 Jun 71    McConnell   A Device Independent Graphical 
						Display Description 
176  NIC-7100    14 Jun 71    Bhushan     Comments on Byte Size for 
175  NIC-7074    11 Jun 71    Harslem     Comments on "Socket Conventions 
174  NIC-6799     8 Jun 71    Postel      UCLA-Computer Science Graphics 
173  NIC-6795     4 Jun 71    Karp        Network Data Management Committee 
						Meeting Announcement
172  NIC-6794    23 Jun 71    Bhushan     The File Tranfer Protocol 
						(Obsoleted by 7813)
171  NIC-6793    23 Jun 71    hushan      The Data Transfer Protocol 
						(Obsoleted by 7812)
170  NIC-6790     1 Jun 71    NIC         RFC List by Number (Updates 6771; 
						Updated by 7152)
169  NIC-6789    27 May 71    Crocker     Computer Networks
168  NIC-6785    26 May 71    North       ARPA Network Mailing Lists 
						(Obsoleted by 7191)
167  NIC-6784    24 May 71    Bhushan     Socket Conventions Reconsidered
166  NIC-6780    25 May 71    Anderson    Data Reconfiguration Service -- An
						Implementation Specification
165  NIC-6779    25 May 71    Postel      A Proffered Official Initial 
						Connection Protocol (Obsoletes 5837; 6728; 6739)
164  NIC-6778    25 May 71    Heafner     Minutes of Network Working Group 
						Meeting, 5/16 through 5/19/71
163  NIC-6775    19 May 71    Cerf        Data Transfer Protocols
162  NIC-6774    22 May 71    Kampe       NETBUGGER3
161  NIC-6772    19 May 71    Shoshani    A Solution to the Race Condition 
						in the ICP
160  NIC-6771    18 May 71    NIC         RFC Brief List (Updated by 6790; 
						7152; Updates 6716)
159  Not Issued
158  NIC-6768    19 May 71    O'Sullivan  Telnet Protocol -- A Proposed 
157  NIC-6762    12 May 71    Cerf        Invitation to the Second Symposium
						on Problems in the Optimization of Data Communications Systems
156  NIC-6761    26 Apr 71    Bouknight   Status of the Illinois Site 
						(Response to RFC 116)
155  NIC-6760       May 71    North       ARPA Network Mailing Lists 
						(Obsoleted by 6785)
154  NIC-6759    12 May 71    Crocker     Exposition Style (Obsoletes 6708; 
						Updates 5806)
153  NIC-6758    15 May 71    Melvin      SRI-ARC-NIC Status
152  NIC-6756    10 May 71    Wilber      SRI Artificial Intelligence Status
151  NIC-6755    10 May 71    Shoshani    Comments on a Proffered Official 
						ICP (RFCS 123, 127)
150  NIC-6754     5 May 71    Kalin       The Use of IPG Facilities - A 
						Working Paper
149  NIC-6752    10 May 71    Crocker     The Best Laid Plans (Updates 6725)
148  NIC-6751     7 May 71    Bhushan     Comments on RFC 123
147  NIC-6750     7 May 71    Winett      The Definition of a Socket 
						(Updates 5845)
146  NIC-6742    12 May 71    Karp        Views On Issues Relevant to Data 
						Sharing on Computer Networks
145  NIC-6739     4 May 71    Postel      Initial Connection Protocol 
						Control Commands (Obsoleted by 6779)
144  NIC-6729    30 Apr 71    Shoshani    Data Sharing on Computer Networks
143  NIC-6728     3 May 71    Naylor      Regarding Proffered Official ICP 
						(Obsoleted by 6779)
142  NIC-6727     3 May 71    Kline       Time-Out Mechanism in the 
						Host-Host Protocol
141  NIC-6726    29 Apr 71    Harslem     Comments on RFC 114 (A File 
						Transfer Protocol)
140  NIC-6725     4 May 71    Crocker     Agenda for the May NWG Meeting 
						(Updated by 6725)
139  NIC-6717     7 May 71    O'Sullivan  Discussion of TELNET Protocol 
						(Updates 6717)
138  NIC-6715    28 Apr 71    Anderson    Status Report on Proposed Data 
						Reconfiguration Service 
137  NIC-6714    30 Apr 71    O'Sullivan  Telnet Protocol -- A Proposed 
						Document (Obsoletes 6783)
137  NIC-6783     8 May 71    O'Sullivan  Telnet Protocol -- A Proposed 
						Document (Obsoleted by 6714)
136  NIC-6713    29 Apr 71    Kahn        Host Accounting and Administrative
135  NIC-6712    29 Apr 71    Hathaway    Response to NWG/RFC 110 (Updates 
134  NIC-6711    29 Apr 71    Vezza       Network Graphics Meeting
133  NIC-6710    27 Apr 71    Sundberg    File Transfer and Recovery
132  NIC-6708     8 Apr 71    White       Typographical Error in RFC 107 
						(Obsoleted by 6759)
131  NIC-5849    22 Apr 71    Harslem     Response  to RFC 116 (May NWG 
130  NIC-5848    22 Apr 71    Heafner     Response to RFC 111 (Pressure from
						the Chairman)
129  NIC-5845    22 Apr 71    Harslem     A Request for Comments on Socket 
						Name Structure (Updated by 6750)
128  NIC-5844    21 Apr 71    Postel      Bytes
127  NIC-5843    20 Apr 71    Postel      Comments on RFC 123 (Obsoleted by 
126  NIC-5842    18 Apr 71    McConnell   Graphics Facilities at Ames 
						Research Center
125  NIC-5841    18 Apr 71    McConnell   Response to RFC 86, Proposal for 
						Network Standard Format for a Graphics Data Stream
124  NIC-5840    19 Apr 71    Melvin      Typographical Error in RFC 107 
						(Updates 5806)
123  NIC-5837    20 Apr 71    Crocker     A Proffered Official ICP  
						(Obsoleted by 6779)
122  NIC-5834    26 Apr 71    White       Network Specifications for UCSB's 
						Simple-Minded File System 
121  NIC-5833    21 Apr 71    Krilanovich Network On-Line Operators
120  NIC-5832    21 Apr 71    Krilanovich Network PL1 Subprograms
119  NIC-5831    21 Apr 71    Krilanovich Network Fortran Subprograms
118  NIC-5830    16 Apr 71    Watson      Recommendations for Facility 
117  NIC-5826     7 Apr 71    Wong        Some Comments on the Official 
116  NIC-5825    12 Apr 71    Crocker     Structure of the May NWG Meeting 
						(Updates 5758)
115  NIC-5822    16 Apr 71    Watson      Some Network Information Center 
						Policies on Handling Documents
114  NIC-5823    16 Apr 71    Bhushan     A File Transfer Protocol (Updated 
						by 6794; 6793)
113  NIC-5820     5 Apr 71    Harslem     Network Activity Report, 
						UCSB--RAND (Updated by 7631)
112  NIC-5816     1 Apr 71    O'Sullivan  User/Server Site Protocol; Network
						Host Questionnaire Responses
111  NIC-5815    31 Mar 71    Crocker     Pressure from the Chairman 
						(Updates 5806)
110  NIC-5809    25 Mar 71    Winett      Conventions for Using an IBM 2741 
						Terminal as a User Console for Access to Network Server Hosts
109  NIC-5808    24 Mar 71    Winett      Level III Server Protocol for the 
						Lincoln Laboratory NIC-360/67 Host
108  NIC-5807    25 Mar 71    Watson      Attendance List at the Urbana NWG 
						Meeting, February 17-19, 1971 (Updates 5762)
107  NIC-5806    23 Mar 71    Bressler    Output of the Host-Host Protocol 
						Glitch Cleaning Committee (Obsoleted by 7147)
106  NIC-5776     3 Mar 71    O'Sullivan  User/Server Site Protocol Network 
						Host Questionnaire
105  NIC-5775    22 Mar 71    White       Network Specifications for Remote 
						Job Entry and Remote Job Output Retrieval at UCSB
104  NIC-5768    25 Feb 71    Postel      Link 191
103  NIC-5764    24 Feb 71    Kalin       Implementation of Interrupt Keys
102  NIC-5763    23 Feb 71    Crocker     Output of the Host/Host Protocol 
						Glitch Cleaning Committee (Obsoleted by 5806)
101  NIC-5762    23 Feb 71    Watson      Notes on the Network Working Group
						Meeting (Urbana, Illinois, February 17, 1971
100  NIC-5761    26 Feb 71    Karp        Categorization and Guide to 
RFC  NIC number      Date      Author	   Title (099:000)
---  ---------    ---------    ------	   ---------------
099  NIC-5758    22 Feb 71    Karp        Network Meeting (Updated by 5825)
098  NIC-5744    11 Feb 71    Meyer       Logger Protocol Proposal (Updated 
						by 5837)
097  NIC-5740    15 Feb 71    Melvin      A First Cut at a Proposed Telnet 
096  NIC-5739    12 Feb 71    Watson      An Interactive Network Experiment 
						to Study Modes of Access to the Network Information Center
095  NIC-5731     4 Feb 71    Crocker     Distribution of NWG/RFC's through 
						The NIC (Obsoleted by 6785)
094  NIC-5725     3 Feb 71    Harslem     Some Thoughts on Network Graphics
093  NIC-5721    27 Jan 71    McKenzie    Initial Connection Protocol
092  Not Issued
091  NIC-5708    27 Dec 70    Mealy       A Proposed USER-USER Protocol
090  NIC-5707    25 Jan 71    Braden      CCN as a Network Service Center
089  NIC-5697    19 Jan 71    Metcalfe    Some Historic Moments in 
088  NIC-5668    13 Jan 71    Braden      NETRJS--A Third Level Protocol for
						Remote Job Entry (Obsoleted by 7133)
087  NIC-5632    12 Jan 71    Vezza       Topic for Discussion at the next 
						Network Working Group Meeting
086  NIC-5631     5 Jan 71    Crocker     Proposal For a Network Standard 
						Format For a Data Stream to Control Graphics Display
085  NIC-5624    28 Dec 70    Crocker     Network Working Group Meeting
084  NIC-5620    23 Dec 70    North       List of NWG/RFC's 1-80
083  NIC-5621    18 Dec 70    Anderson    Language-Machine for Data 
082  NIC-5619     9 Dec 70    Meyer       Network Meeting Notes
081  NIC-5609     3 Dec 70    Bouknight   Request for Reference Information
080  NIC-5608     1 Dec 70    Harslem     Protocols and Data Formats 
						(Obsoleted by 5837)
079  NIC-5601    16 Nov 70    Meyer       Logger Protocol Error
078  NIC-5199       Nov 70    Harslem     NCP Status Report:  UCSB/RAND
077  NIC-5604    20 Nov 70    Postel      Network Meeting Report
076               undated     Grossman    Syntax and Semantics for the 
						Terminal User Control Language for the Proposed PDP-11 ARPA Network 
						Terminal System
075  NIC-5418    14 Oct 70    Crocker     Network Meeting
074  NIC-5417    16 Oct 70    White       Specifications for Network Use of 
						The UCSB On-Line System
073  NIC-5416    25 Sep 70    Crocker     Response to NWG/RFC 67
072  NIC-5415    28 Sep 70    Bressler    Proposed Moratorium on Changes to 
						Network Protocol (Updated by 7624)
071  NIC-5414    25 Sep 70    Schipper    Reallocation in Case of Input 
070  NIC-5413    15 Oct 70    Crocker     A Note on Padding (Updated by 
069  NIC-5412    22 Sep 70    Bhushan     Distribution List Change for MIT 
						(Updates 4753)
068  NIC-5411    31 Aug 70    Elie        Comments on Memory Allocation 
						Control Commands (CEASE, ALL, GVB, RET) and RFNM
067  NIC-5410     undated     Crowther    Proposed Change to Host/IMP Spec 
						to Eliminate Marking
066  NIC-5409    26 Aug 70    Crocker     NIC-3rd Level Ideas and Other 
						Noise (Obsoleted by 5837)
065  NIC-4965    29 Aug 70    Walden      Comments on Host-Host Protocol 
						Document No. 1 (by S. Crocker - 8/3/70)
064  NIC-4964     undated     Elie        Getting Rid of Marking
063  NIC-4963    31 Jul 70    Cerf        Related Network Meeting Report
062  NIC-4962     3 Aug 70    Walden      A Note on Interprocess 
						Communication in a Resource Sharing Computer Network (Updates 4961)
061  NIC-4961    17 Jul 70    Walden      A Note on Interprocess 
						Communication in a Resource Sharing Computer Network
060  NIC-4762    13 Jul 70    Kalin       A Simplified NCP Protocol
059  NIC-4761    27 Jun 70    Meyer       Flow Control - Fixed Versus Demand
058  NIC-4760    26 Jun 70    Skinner     Logical Message Synchronization
057  NIC-4759    19 Jun 70    Kraley      Thoughts and Reflections on 
						NWG/RFC 54
056  NIC-4758       Jun 70    Belove      Third Level Protocol, Logger 
055  NIC-4757    19 Jun 70    Newkirk     A Prototypical Implementation of 
						the NCP
054  NIC-4756    18 Jun 70    Crocker     An Official Protocol Proffering
053  NIC-4755     9 Jun 70    Crocker     An Official Protocol Mechanism
052  NIC-4753     1 Jul 70    Postel      Updated Distribution List (Updated
						by  5412)
051  NIC-4752     4 May 70    Elie        Proposal for a Network Interchange
050  NIC-4751    30 Apr 70    Harslem     Comments on the Meyer Proposal
049  NIC-4728    25 Apr 70    Meyer       Conversations with Steve Crocker 
048  NIC-4750    21 Apr 70    Postel      A Possible Protocol Plateau
047  NIC-4749    20 Apr 70    Postel      BBN's Comments on NWG/RFC 33
046  NIC-4748    17 Apr 70    Meyer       ARPA Network Protocol Notes
045  NIC-4747    14 Apr 70    Postel      NEW Protocol is Coming
044  NIC-4746    10 Apr 70    Shoshani    Comments on NWG/RFC 33 and 36
043  NIC-4745     8 Apr 70    Nemeth      Proposed Meeting  
042  NIC-4744    31 Mar 70    Ancona      Message Data Types
041  NIC-4743    30 Mar 70    Melvin      IMP-IMP Teletype Communication
040  NIC-4742    27 Mar 70    Harslem     More Comments on the Forthcoming 
039  NIC-4741    25 Mar 70    Harslem     Comments on Protocol Re:  NWG/RFC 
						NIC-36 (Updates 4738)
038  NIC-4740    20 Mar 70    Wolfe       Comments on Network Protocol from 
						NWG/RFC NIC-36
037  NIC-4739    20 Mar 70    Crocker     Network Meeting Epilogue, etc.
036  NIC-4738    16 Mar 70    Crocker     Protocol Notes (Updates 4735; 
						Updated by 4741)
035  NIC-4737     3 Mar 70    Crocker     Network Meeting
034  NIC-4736    26 Feb 70    English     Some Brief Preliminary Notes on 
						the ARC Clock
033  NIC-4735    12 Feb 70    Crocker     New HOST-HOST Protocol (Updates 
						4718; Updated by 4738)
032  NIC-4734    31 Jan 69    Vedder      Connecting M.I.T. Computers to the
						ARPA Computer-To-Computer Communication Network
031  NIC-4733       Feb 68    Bobrow      Binary Message Forms in Computer 
030  NIC-4732     4 Feb 70    Crocker     Documentation Conventions (Updates
						4696; 4719; 4726; 4729)
029  NIC-4731    19 Jan 70    Kahn        Note in Response to Bill English's
						Request for Comments
028  NIC-4730    13 Jan 70    English     Time Standards
027  NIC-4729     9 Dec 69    Crocker     Documentation Conventions (Updates
						4696; 4719; 4726; Updated by 4732) 
026  Not Issued
025  NIC-4727    30 Oct 69    Crocker     No High Link Numbers
024  NIC-4726    21 Nov 69    Crocker     Documentation Conventions (Updates
						4696; 4719; Updated by 4729; 4732)
023  NIC-4725    16 Oct 69    Gregg       Transmission of Multiple Control 
022  NIC-4724    17 Oct 69    Cerf        HOST-HOST Control Message Formats 
						(Updates 4718)
021  NIC-4723    17 Oct 69    Cerf        Report of Network Meeting
020  NIC-4722    16 Oct 69    Cerf        ASCII Format for Network 
019  NIC-4721     7 Oct 69    Kreznar     Two Protocol Suggestions to Reduce
						Congestion at Swap-Bound Nodes
018  NIC-4720       Sep 69    Cerf        Use of Links 1 and 2
017  NIC-4699    27 Aug 69    Kreznar     Some Questions Re:  HOST-IMP 
016  NIC-4719    27 Aug 69    Crocker     M.I.T. (Address) (Updated by 4726;
						4729; 4732)
015  NIC-4754    25 Sep 69    Carr        Network Subsystem for Time-Sharing
014  Not Issued
013  NIC-4698    20 Aug 69    Cerf        Referring to NWG/RFC 11
012  NIC-4697    26 Aug 69    Wingfield   Imp-Host Interface Flow Diagrams
011  NIC-4718     1 Aug 69    Deloche     Implementation of the HOST-HOST 
						Software Procedures in Gordo 
010  NIC-4696    29 Jul 69    Crocker     Documentation Conventions 
						(Obsoletes 4689; Updated by 4726; 4729; 4732)
009  NIC-4695     1 May 69    Deloche     Host Software
008  NIC-4694     5 May 69    Deloche     ARPA Network Functional 
007  NIC-4693       May 69    Deloche     Host-Imp Interface
006  NIC-4692    10 Apr 69    Crocker     Conversation with Bob Kahn
005  NIC-4691     2 Jun 69    Rulifson    DEL
004  NIC-4690    24 Mar 69    Shapiro     Network Timetable
003  NIC-4689     9 Apr 69    Crocker     Documentation Conventions 
						(Obsoleted by 4696)
002  NIC-4688     9 Apr 69    Duvall      Host Software
001  NIC-4687     7 Apr 69    Crocker     Host Software