perm filename SCHED[F,PMP] blob sn#042743 filedate 1973-05-13 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
			     13 May 1973

Design of  the Super  Foonly Processor  is complete, including  logic
drawings, printed circuit  and wirewrap cards.  Assuming that certain
parts with a  total value of  $67,500 are  donated  as expected,  the
project can be finished in about one year for the following cost.

			Personnel Costs

Salaries - 3 design engineers for 12 months,
	   plus 1 programmer for 8 months,
	   plus 1 programmer for 3 months	  $57,000

Staff benefits (17%)				    9,690

Travel - 4 East coast @$500, 10 West coast @ $100   3,000

Miscellaneous direct costs			    3,000

Indirect costs (47% of above)			   34,165

	Personnel Subtotal				     106,855

			Parts and Services

Integrated circuits
	9000 TI and other		donated
	400 AMS memory chips		 31,000

Printed circuit cards
	Artwork for 24 cards @ $400	  9,600
	Fabricate 163 cards of 24 types  39,600
	Stuff & solder 110 @ $20,
	    25 @ $200			  7,200
Wirewrap cards
	Artwork				    600
	Card fabrication 65 @ $100	  6,500
	Sockets, capacitors 55 @ $135	  7,425
	Stuff and solder 55 @ 92	  5,060
	Wiring 55 @ $146		  8,030
	2 KI-10 bays with sockets	donated
	10,000 single wires @ .10	donated
	26,000 twisted pair @ .25	donated
Power supplies
	cabinet				    800
	500 Amperes @ $10 per Amp.	  5,000

Cooling equipment				    1,000

Card tester					    3,000

	Parts and services subtotal			      124,815

	Contingencies					       10,000

	Project total					      241,670


1	Order ICs (from DEC and AMS), PC bases for wirewrap cards
	(Vostron), power supplies (Lambda), card tester (SOTTA)

1-10	send out PC artwork.

1-13	Layout backpanel, final check of WW cards.

4-13	Artwork back, order PC cards.

4-9	Assemble card tester. Monitor fabrication processes.

10	Delivery of PC bases for wirewrap cards.

12-20	Delivery of ICs.

13-15	Order backpanel. Debug AI-DEC interface.

14-30	Make and send out paper tapes for WW cards.

15-32	Wirewrap card wrapping, stuffing, and testing (1 card per day).

16-35	PC card stuffing, soldering, and testing (2 cards/day + 2 weeks).

28	Back panel delivery.

28-35	Final assembly, including power supply instalation, cables, etc.

35-52	Processor debugging. Preliminary system work.

53-onward.  Tenex made to work on Foonly.(Minimal Foonly group
	  participation needed.)