Flamerion engraving fragment with the explorer exiting to the right.

18. Road-map Atlas.

My SAILDART Archive project To-Do List exceeds my Bucket-List. I shall not live long enough to complete all the items.

Goal Immediate

Finish the chapter-17 emulators then finish writing introductory books. Print a limited circulation edition each year without a satisfactory chapter-17 and with too many short place holding paragraphs like this one that are only slightly better than Lorem Ipsum.

Tools and Skills

Learn how to use all the Adobe Creative Suite as well as all of TeX, Latex, LyX and TeX packages for the LyX Memoir Class.

Sorties and Patrols

A patrol is a defensive exercise. A patrol route is revisited at intervals, or upon an alarm, to do maintenance, updates, and to look for threats and opportunities that can be seen by peering out through the parapets of the castle. A sortie map is for an offensive maneuver, to sally forth into unknown territory, the sortie maps are brief suggesting the new direction, the immediate few obstacles and the distantly perceived target area.


Work and Play, Creation and Recreation

A Quantum Physicist was hiking alone in the woods and came to a fork in the trail < brief pause > then he took both paths. That is what I do when it comes to programming languages, since so many new ones look so attractive, I clearly must try them all. That is recreational programming. It is not the way to complete a work to show to others.

The secret to finishing my PhD thesis was to stop programming and to just do the writing. Like finishing an art project in Kindergarten one must stop kneading the wet clay and form some recognizable object to take home to your parents.
